angle of lag
Смотреть что такое "angle of lag" в других словарях:
angle of lag — 1. : the angle through which the brushes of a commutator of a direct current motor or generator must be shifted from the neutral plane on account of the armature reaction 2. : the angle by which the current in an alternating current circuit lags… … Useful english dictionary
angle of lag — Physics, Elect. the phase difference, expressed in degrees, by which one sinusoidal function moves behind a second having the same period, as alternating current moving behind the alternating voltage. * * * … Universalium
Angle Inlet (Minnesota) — Der Northwest Angle (lila) in Minnesota, angrenzend an Manitoba, Ontario und den Lake of the Woods. Der Northwest Angle („Nordwestwinkel“), von Einheimischen auch kurz als The Angle oder Angle Township bezeichnet, ist ein kleiner Teil im Norden… … Deutsch Wikipedia
lag angle — vėlavimo kampas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. delay angle; lag angle vok. Nacheilungswinkel, m; Verzögerungswinkel, m rus. угол запаздывания, m; угол отставания, m pranc. angle de retard, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
angle de retard — vėlavimo kampas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. delay angle; lag angle vok. Nacheilungswinkel, m; Verzögerungswinkel, m rus. угол запаздывания, m; угол отставания, m pranc. angle de retard, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
lag angle — The angle by which a rotor blade is displaced about its drag hinge. The angle is measured between the blade span axis and a radial line taken across the rotor disc containing the drag hinge and the axis of rotation … Aviation dictionary
lag fault — noun Etymology: lag (I) : a minor low angle thrust fault resulting within an overthrust mass from one part of the mass being thrust farther than an adjacent higher or lower part * * * lag fault, Geology. a fault caused by one layer of rock being… … Useful english dictionary
Lead-lag compensator — A lead lag compensator is a component in a control system that improves an undesirable frequency response in a feedback and control system. It is a fundamental building block in classical control theory. Applications Lead lag compensators… … Wikipedia
Cerebellopontine angle syndrome — Classification and external resources ICD 9 191.6 Neoplasms of brain: Cerebellum NOS: Cerebellopontine angle The cerebellopontine angle is the anatomic space between the cerebellum and the pons. This is a common site for the growth of acoustic… … Wikipedia
Northwest Angle — Der Northwest Angle (lila) in Minnesota, angrenzend an Manitoba, Ontario und den Lake of the Woods. Der Northwest Angle („Nordwestwinkel“), von Einheimischen auch kurz als The Angle oder Angle Township bezeichnet, ist ein kleiner Teil im Norden… … Deutsch Wikipedia
delay angle — vėlavimo kampas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. delay angle; lag angle vok. Nacheilungswinkel, m; Verzögerungswinkel, m rus. угол запаздывания, m; угол отставания, m pranc. angle de retard, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas