- flambeau light
газовый факел (для сжигания нефтяного газа)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Flambeau (character) — Flambeau is a fictional character created by English novelist G. K. Chesterton who appears in the five volumes of in total 48 short stories, of the Father Brown series. His name means torche in French.He made his first appearance in the story The … Wikipedia
light — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) I adj. airy (see levity); frivolous, jesting, jocular, lightsome; giddy, dizzy, flighty; wanton; nimble, agile; flippant, pert, insouciant; humorous; trivial. See cheerfulness, unimportance, impurity,… … English dictionary for students
light — Synonyms and related words: ASA scale, Anschauung, British candle, Hefner candle, Mickey Mouse, Paphian, Scheiner scale, Very flare, abuse, accented, account, acquaintance, active, aerial, aeriform, aery, agile, airish, airlike, airy, alabaster,… … Moby Thesaurus
flambeau — Synonyms and related words: brand, butane lighter, cigarette lighter, cresset, firebrand, flaming torch, flare, flint, flint and steel, fusee, igniter, light, lighter, link, portfire, signal flare, sparker, spill, taper, torch … Moby Thesaurus
Baphomet — For other uses, see Baphomet (disambiguation). The 19th century image of a Sabbatic Goat, created by Eliphas Lévi. The arms bear the Latin words SOLVE (dissolve) and COAGULA (congeal). Baphomet (English pronunciation: /ˈbæfɵmɛt/, from … Wikipedia
Hempfield Area Bands — Hempfield Area Spartan Bands Hempfield Area Spartan Marching BandHempfield, Pennsylvania is home to the Hempfield Area Spartan Marching Band. The band has ranged over time from 120 to 278 members yearly since becoming a 9 12 school. It has… … Wikipedia
ÉTATS-UNIS - La littérature américaine — Le goût qu’ont les lecteurs européens pour la littérature des États Unis n’est pas une mode passagère. On a pu croire que les troupes de la Libération avaient apporté Hemingway dans leurs bagages et que l’âge du roman américain ne durerait pas.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
List of characters in Kevin and Kell — This is a list of characters from the webcomic Kevin and Kell.Main CharactersKevin DewclawAn exceptionally tall and fearless rabbit in his late 30s; given that he married Angelique at age 20 and soon afterwards, adopted a 6 month old Lindesfarne… … Wikipedia
Yo-yo — The yo yo is a toy consisting of two equally sized and weighted disks of plastic, wood, or metal, connected with an axle, with a string tied around it. First becoming popular in the 1920s, yo yoing is still enjoyed by children and adults alike.… … Wikipedia
torch — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. light, torchlight, brand; flambeau; flashlight; slang, firebug, arsonist. See heat, fuel. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. beacon, light, flare, firebrand; see flashlight . • carry a torch for*, Syn. pine for … English dictionary for students
Bahá'í Faith and Native Americans — The Bahá í Faith and Native Americans has a history reaching back to the lifetime of Abdu l Bahá and has multiplied its relationships across the Americas. Individuals have joined the religion and institutions have been founded to serve native… … Wikipedia