- angle of climb
угол набора высоты
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Angle of Climb — In aerodynamics, angle of climb is the ratio between distance travelled over the ground and altitude gained. The angle of climb can be expressed as the angle between a plane horizontal to the earth s surface and the actual flight path followed by … Wikipedia
angle of climb — the angle between the horizontal and the flight path of a climbing airplane * * * Aeron. the angle between the axis of motion of a climbing aircraft and the horizontal plane … Useful english dictionary
angle of climb — Aeron. the angle between the axis of motion of a climbing aircraft and the horizontal plane. * * * … Universalium
angle of climb — The angle between the flight path of a climbing aircraft and the local horizon … Aviation dictionary
best angle-of-climb speed — The air speed at which an aircraft will gain the greatest amount of altitude for a given distance. It is less than the best rate of climb speed, and its usual value is about 1.2 times the basic stalling speed. The climb is usually carried out at… … Aviation dictionary
Angle of attack — In this diagram, the black lines represent the flow of a fluid around a two dimensional airfoil shape. The angle α is the angle of attack. Angle of attack (AOA, α, Greek letter alpha) is a term used in fluid dynamics to describe the angle between … Wikipedia
Climb — For other uses, see Climbing (disambiguation) An Embraer ERJ 145 climbing In aviation, the term climb refers both to the actual operation of increasing the altitude of an aircraft and to the logical phase of a typical flight (often called the… … Wikipedia
maximum climb angle — The climb angle is the angle at which a given aircraft gains altitude. The climbing speed for the maximum climb angle is less than the best rate of climb speed and is obtained by actual flight tests. It is usually near 1.2 times the basic… … Aviation dictionary
Rate of climb — An F 15 Eagle climbing and releasing flares. In aeronautics, the rate of climb (RoC) is an aircraft s vertical speed the rate of change in altitude. In most ICAO member countries (even in otherwise metric countries), this is usually expressed in… … Wikipedia
Kurt Angle — Angle at a WWE Q A in August 2005. Ring name(s) Kurt Angle Height 5 ft 10 in (1.78 m) … Wikipedia
Zoom climb — A zoom climb is a climb where the rate of climb is greater than the maximum for a sustained climb, as determined from the thrust of the aircraft s engines. During a zoom climb, the aircraft gains potential energy at the expense of kinetic energy … Wikipedia