fixed-point addition

fixed-point addition
сложение с фиксированной запятой (с фиксированной точкой)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "fixed-point addition" в других словарях:

  • Fixed-point arithmetic — In computing, a fixed point number representation is a real data type for a number that has a fixed number of digits after (and sometimes also before) the radix point ( e.g. , after the decimal point . in English decimal notation). Fixed point… …   Wikipedia

  • Fixed-Point-Arithmetik — Eine Festkommazahl ist eine Zahl, die aus einer festen Anzahl von Ziffern besteht. Die Position des Dezimalkommas ist dabei fest vorgegeben, daher der Name. Der Grundgedanke hinter Festkommazahlen ist die exakte Darstellung ohne Rundungsfehler… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Fixed-Point Arithmetik — Eine Festkommazahl ist eine Zahl, die aus einer festen Anzahl von Ziffern besteht. Die Position des Dezimalkommas ist dabei fest vorgegeben, daher der Name. Der Grundgedanke hinter Festkommazahlen ist die exakte Darstellung ohne Rundungsfehler… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kakutani fixed point theorem — In mathematical analysis, the Kakutani fixed point theorem is a fixed point theorem for set valued functions. It provides sufficient conditions for a set valued function defined on a convex, compact subset of a Euclidean space to have a fixed… …   Wikipedia

  • Brouwer fixed point theorem — In mathematics, the Brouwer fixed point theorem is an important fixed point theorem that applies to finite dimensional spaces and which forms the basis for several general fixed point theorems. It is named after Dutch mathematician L. E. J.… …   Wikipedia

  • Point group — The Bauhinia blakeana flower on the Hong Kong flag has C5 symmetry; the star on each petal has D5 symmetry. In geometry, a point group is a group of geometric symmetries (isometries) that keep at least one point fixed. Point groups can exist in a …   Wikipedia

  • Addition — is the mathematical process of putting things together. The plus sign + means that two numbers are added together. For example, in the picture on the right, there are 3 + 2 apples meaning three apples and two other apples which is the same as… …   Wikipedia

  • Point groups in three dimensions — In geometry, a point group in three dimensions is an isometry group in three dimensions that leaves the origin fixed, or correspondingly, an isometry group of a sphere. It is a subgroup of the orthogonal group O(3), the group of all isometries… …   Wikipedia

  • Point system (driving) — A demerit point system is one in which a driver s licensing authority, police force, or other organization issues cumulative demerits, or points to drivers on conviction for road traffic offenses. Points may either be added or subtracted,… …   Wikipedia

  • Addition-chain exponentiation — In mathematics and computer science, optimal addition chain exponentiation is a method of exponentiation by positive integer powers that requires a minimal number of multiplications. It works by creating a minimal length addition chain that… …   Wikipedia

  • Point of total assumption — The point of total assumption (PTA) is a point on the cost line of the Profit cost curve determined by the contract elements associated with a fixed price plus incentive Firm Target (FPI)contract above which the seller effectively bears all the… …   Wikipedia

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