fixed charge density

fixed charge density
плотность статического заряда

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "fixed charge density" в других словарях:

  • Charge ordering — (CO) is a (first or second order) phase transition occurring mostly in strongly correlated materials such as transition metal oxides or organic conductors. Due to the strong interaction, the charge is localized on different sites leading to a… …   Wikipedia

  • Density (disambiguation) — Density and dense usually refer to a measure of how much of some entity is within a fixed amount of space. Types of density include: In physics, density of mass: Density, mass per volume Area density or surface density, mass over a (two… …   Wikipedia

  • Density functional theory — Electronic structure methods Tight binding Nearly free electron model Hartree–Fock method Modern valence bond Generalized valence bond Møller–Plesset perturbation theory …   Wikipedia

  • Density of states — Condensed matter physics Phases · Phase tr …   Wikipedia

  • Computer storage density — is a measure of the quantity of information bits that can be stored on a given length of track, area of surface, or in a given volume of a computer storage medium. Generally, higher density is more desirable, for it allows greater volumes of data …   Wikipedia

  • Memory storage density — is a measure of the quantity of information bits that can be stored on a given length of track, area of surface, or in a given volume of a computer storage medium. Generally, higher density is more desirable, for it allows greater volumes of data …   Wikipedia

  • Delayed Gadolinium Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cartilage (dGEMRIC) — Introduction Delayed Gadolinium Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cartilage or dGEMRIC measures the fixed charge density of articular cartilage using the Spin lattice relaxation time.[1] Current research is investigating the clinical… …   Wikipedia

  • physical science, principles of — Introduction       the procedures and concepts employed by those who study the inorganic world.        physical science, like all the natural sciences, is concerned with describing and relating to one another those experiences of the surrounding… …   Universalium

  • Maxwell's equations — For thermodynamic relations, see Maxwell relations. Electromagnetism …   Wikipedia

  • radiation — radiational, adj. /ray dee ay sheuhn/, n. 1. Physics. a. the process in which energy is emitted as particles or waves. b. the complete process in which energy is emitted by one body, transmitted through an intervening medium or space, and… …   Universalium

  • nature, philosophy of — Introduction       the discipline that investigates substantive issues regarding the actual features of nature as a reality. The discussion here is divided into two parts: the philosophy of physics and the philosophy of biology.       In this… …   Universalium

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