fire test

fire test
1) определение температуры воспламенения
2) испытание на огнестойкость

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "fire test" в других словарях:

  • Fire-test — (engl., spr. fair, »Feuerprobe«), die Temperatur, bei der Erdöl entzündliche Dämpfe entwickelt; s. Erdöl, S. 25 …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Fire-test — (engl., spr. feir, »Feuerprobe«), amtliche Bestimmung der Entzündungstemperatur des Petroleums …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Fire test — A fire test is a means of determining whether or not fire protection products meet minimum performance criteria as set out in a building code or other applicable legislation. Successful tests in laboratories holding national accreditation for… …   Wikipedia

  • fire test — noun : a test by fire (as one to determine the burning point of an oil or one to determine the resistance of porcelain or concrete to heat) see time temperature curve * * * fire test, 1. a test to determine the temperature at which kerosene or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Fire protection — is the study and practice of mitigating the unwanted effects of fires [NFPA Fire Protection Handbook, pg. 2 19] . It involves the study of the behaviour, compartmentalisation, suppression and investigation of fire and its related emergencies, as… …   Wikipedia

  • Test Engineering — (TE) is generally defined as the application of one or more engineering branches (such as Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Genetic Engineering, etc.) and/or the application of one or more pure scientific disciplines (such as… …   Wikipedia

  • Test [2] — Test (engl., »Probe, Untersuchung«), ein besonders im Petroleumhandel gebräuchliches Wort und hier gleichbedeutend mit »Fire test« (s. d. und Reichstestpetroleum) …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Fire-resistance rating — A fire resistance rating typically means the duration for which a passive fire protection system can withstand a standard fire resistance test. This can be quantified simply as a measure of time, or it may entail a host of other criteria,… …   Wikipedia

  • Fire door — A fire door is a type of door, or barrier used as a passive fire protection item within buildings to prevent the spread of fire or smoke which may consist of dangerous chemicals. It is usually the only means of allowing people to pass through a… …   Wikipedia

  • Fire Retardant Fabrics — are textiles that are naturally more resistant to fire than others through chemical threatment or manufactured fireproof fibers. Terminology and test limitationsThe term fire retardant as applied to organic (i.e., containing carbon) materials, is …   Wikipedia

  • Fire safe cigarettes — [Fire Safe Cigarettes] [] ] Cigarettes are the leading cause of residential fire deaths in the United States, which resulted in an estimated 800 civilian deaths, 1,660 civilian injuries and $575 million in direct… …   Wikipedia

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