AND-OR inverter

AND-OR inverter
(логический) элемент И-ИЛИ-НЕ

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "AND-OR inverter" в других словарях:

  • Inverter (electrical) — An inverter is an electrical device that converts direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC)[1]; the converted AC can be at any required voltage and frequency with the use of appropriate transformers, switching, and control circuits. Solid… …   Wikipedia

  • AND-OR-Invert — (AOI) logic and AOI gates are two level compound (or complex) logic functions constructed from the combination of one or more AND gates followed by a NOR gate. Construction of AOI cells is particularly efficient using CMOS technology where the… …   Wikipedia

  • Inverter (logic gate) — INPUT A OUTPUT NOT A 0 1 1 0 Traditional NOT Gate (Inverter) symb …   Wikipedia

  • Inverter (air conditioning) — The inverter tag found on some air conditioners signifies the ability of the unit to continuously regulate its thermal power flow.Traditional reverse cycle air conditioners use a heat pump that is either working at maximum capability or switched… …   Wikipedia

  • And-inverter graph — An and inverter graph (AIG) is a directed, acyclic graph that represents a structural implementation of the logical functionality of a circuit or network. An AIG consists of two input nodes representing logical conjunction, terminal nodes labeled …   Wikipedia

  • Solar micro-inverter — A solar micro inverter: the Enphase M190 in the process of being installed. The ground wire is attached to the lug and the panel s DC connections are attached to the cables on the lower right. The AC parallel trunk cable runs at the top (just… …   Wikipedia

  • Solar inverter — Internal view of a solar inverter. A solar inverter or PV inverter is a critical component in a Photovoltaic system. It performs the conversion of the variable DC output of the Photovoltaic (PV) modules into a utility frequency AC current that… …   Wikipedia

  • Static inverter plant — A static inverter station, also known as an HVDC Converter Station, is the terminal equipment for a high voltage direct current transmission line, in which direct current is converted to three phase alternating current, and, usually, the reverse …   Wikipedia

  • CCFL inverter — A CCFL inverter is a device (an inverter) for providing drive power to a Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp (CCFL). CCFLs are often used as inexpensive light units in electrical devices.Characteristics#Tiny form and structure #Switchover efficiency… …   Wikipedia

  • Grid tie inverter — A grid tie inverter, or a (GTI) is an electrical device that allows solar power users to complement their grid power with solar power. It works by regulating the amount of voltage and current that is received from the direct current solar panels… …   Wikipedia

  • Square Wave Inverter —   A type of inverter that produces square wave output.; consists of a DC source, four switches, and the load. The switches are power semiconductors that can carry a large current and withstand a high voltage rating. The switches are turned on and …   Energy terms

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