anchored buoy

anchored buoy
заякоренный буй

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "anchored buoy" в других словарях:

  • buoy — [bo͞o′ē; ] also, and for v. 3 usually [, boi] n. [ME < (? via MDu boeie) OFr buie, chain < L boia, fetter (see BOY): prob. first applied to the chain anchoring the float] 1. a) a floating object anchored in a lake, river, etc. to mark a… …   English World dictionary

  • buoy — ► NOUN ▪ an anchored float serving as a navigation mark or for mooring. ► VERB 1) keep afloat. 2) (often be buoyed up) cause to become or remain cheerful and confident. 3) cause (a price) to rise to or remain high. ORIGIN probably from Dutch boye …   English terms dictionary

  • Buoy — A buoy is a floating device that can have many different purposes, which determine whether the buoy is anchored (stationary) or allowed to drift. The word, of Old French or Middle Dutch origin, is nowadays most commonly pronEng|ˈbɔɪ (identical… …   Wikipedia

  • buoy — /booh ee, boy/, n. 1. Naut. a distinctively shaped and marked float, sometimes carrying a signal or signals, anchored to mark a channel, anchorage, navigational hazard, etc., or to provide a mooring place away from the shore. 2. a life buoy. v.t …   Universalium

  • buoy — /bɔɪ / (say boy) noun Nautical 1. a distinctively marked and shaped anchored float, sometimes carrying a light, whistle, or bell, marking a channel or obstruction. 2. → lifebuoy. –verb (t) 3. to support by or as by a buoy; keep afloat in a fluid …  

  • buoy — [bɔɪ] noun an anchored float serving as a navigation mark, to show hazards, or for mooring. verb 1》 (usu. be buoyed up) keep afloat.     ↘cause (a price) to rise to or remain high. 2》 mark with a buoy. Derivatives buoyage noun Origin ME: prob.… …   English new terms dictionary

  • buoy — bu•oy art at burgee [[t]ˈbu i, bɔɪ[/t]] n. v. oyed, oy•ing 1) navig. an anchored float used as a marker or as a mooring 2) naut. navig. life buoy 3) to keep afloat; keep from sinking (often fol. by up) 4) naut. navig. to mark with buoys 5) to… …   From formal English to slang

  • buoy — n. & v. n. 1 an anchored float serving as a navigation mark or to show reefs etc. 2 a lifebuoy. 1 (usu. foll. by up) a keep afloat. b sustain the courage or spirits of (a person etc.); uplift, encourage. 2 (often foll. by out) mark with a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • buoy — bɔɪ n. anchored float used as a guide to navigators v. keep afloat; support, sustain, encourage …   English contemporary dictionary

  • mooring buoy — noun : an anchored buoy fitted to receive a ship s mooring chain or hawser * * * Naut. a buoy to which ships or boats can be moored. [1800 10] …   Useful english dictionary

  • light buoy — anchored float equipped with a bright light (used to help ship captains navigate during nighttime hours) …   English contemporary dictionary

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