- filter(ed) stock
фильтрованный дистиллят; фильтрованный продукт
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Stock Screener — A tool that investors and traders can use to filter stocks based on user defined metrics. Stock screeners are offered on many websites and trading platforms, and they allow users to select trading instruments that fit a certain profile set of… … Investment dictionary
Filter — A set of criteria used to help an investor narrow down which financial instruments or conditions of financial instruments are the most profitable. Most beginner investors feel overwhelmed by the large number of financial products available in… … Investment dictionary
Diesel particulate filter — A diesel particulate filter (top left) in a Peugeot Off road DPF Installa … Wikipedia
Photographic filter — Four photographic filters. Clockwise, from top left, an infrared hot mirror filter, a polarising filter, and a UV filter. The larger filter is a polariser for Cokin style filter mounts. In photography and videography, a filter is a camera… … Wikipedia
Film stock — This focuses on motion picture film. For still photography film, see photographic film. A film strip Film stock is photographic film on which filmmaking of motion pictures are shot and reproduced. The equivalent in television production is video… … Wikipedia
Джеймс Вебб (телескоп) — Эта статья или часть статьи содержит информацию об ожидаемых событиях. Здесь описываются события, которые ещё не произошли … Википедия
motion-picture technology — Introduction the means for the production and showing of motion pictures. It includes not only the motion picture camera and projector but also such technologies as those involved in recording sound, in editing both picture and sound, in… … Universalium
Motor oil — For the TV documentary focused on the Edmonton Oilers of the National Hockey League, see Oil Change (TV Series). Motor oil sample Motor oil or engine oil is an oil used for lubrication of various internal combustion engines. The main function is… … Wikipedia
Technicolor — This article is about the film processing trademark. For the parent company of the same name, see Technicolor SA. For other uses, see Technicolor (disambiguation). A title card for a Walt Disney Donald Duck cartoon with an in Technicolor credit.… … Wikipedia
Infrared photography — Top: tree photographed in the near infrared range. Bottom: same tree in the visible part of the spectrum … Wikipedia
Color motion picture film — refers both to unexposed color photographic film in a format suitable for use in a motion picture camera, and to finished motion picture film, ready for use in a projector, which bears images in color. Contents 1 Overview 2 Tinting and hand… … Wikipedia