film test

film test
проба на высыхание тонкого слоя (масла)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "film test" в других словарях:

  • Film + Test Location — Die FTL Germany (Film + Test Location) ist der Nachbau einer Autobahn, die für Filmaufnahmen genutzt wird. Das Gelände, Europas größte Filmkulisse für High Speed Autobahnszenen, liegt im nordrhein westfälischen Siersdorf, einem Ortsteil der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Film speed — is the measure of a photographic film s sensitivity to light, determined by sensitometry and measured on various numerical scales, the most recent being the ISO system. A closely related ISO system is used to measure the sensitivity of digital… …   Wikipedia

  • Test de turing — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Turing (homonymie). Le test de Turing est une proposition de test d’intelligence artificielle ayant la faculté d’imiter la conversation humaine. Décrit par Alan Turing en 1950 dans sa publication Computing… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Test Pilot — may refer to:*Test pilot, pilots who work on developing, evaluating and proving experimental aircraft * Test Pilot (film) a 1938 film about test pilots with Clark Gable, Myrna Loy, Spencer Tracy and Lionel Barrymore …   Wikipedia

  • Test Match Special — (known as TMS ) is a radio programme broadcast on BBC Radio 4 (long wave), Five Live Sports Extra (digital) and the internet to the United Kingdom and (where broadcasting rights permit) the rest of the world, including England s winter tours to… …   Wikipedia

  • Film promotion — is the practise of promotion specifically in the film industry. As with all business it is an important part of any release because of the inherent high financial risk; film studios will invest in expensive marketing campaigns to maximize revenue …   Wikipedia

  • Film memorabilia — consist of objects considered of value because of their connection to the cinema. These include costumes, props, advertising posters, and scripts, among other things. Fans have always coveted memorabilia, but in recent years, what was once a… …   Wikipedia

  • Test Dept — were an industrial music band formed in New Cross, London, by unemployed musicians (including Alastair Adams, Paul Jamrozy, Angus Farquhar, Graham Cunnington, Tony Cudlip, Toby Burdon and Paul Hines) from Glasgow, Scotland, where the band later… …   Wikipedia

  • Test Tube Babies (film) — Test Tube Babies is a 1948 exploitation film known by several titles. Directed by W. Merle Connell, it was a narrative about artificial insemination with scenes of nudity and sexual promiscuity included.Also Known As*Blessed Are They (USA)… …   Wikipedia

  • Test pilota Pirxa — ( ru. Дознание пилота Пиркса, translit|Doznanie pilota Pirksa, et. Navigaator Pirx) is a joint Polish/Russian/Estonian 1978 film directed by Marek Piestrak based on a story by Stanisław Lem from the Tales of Pirx the Pilot adapted by Vladimir… …   Wikipedia

  • Film screening — A film screening is the displaying of a film, as part of its production and release cycle, before it is widely released to movie theaters. In general, screening applies to showing under special circumstances: either the environment or purpose… …   Wikipedia

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