- file card
регистрационная карточка
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
File card — For the tool used to clean files, see File card (tool) Most G.I. Joe action figures came with file cards printed at the back of the cardboard they came with. A file card is the profile information of a character. The owner of the action figure is … Wikipedia
File card (tool) — A File card is a brush with metal bristles, used to clean the cutting grooves in a file. (The name, card , is the same as used for the raising cards (spiked brushes) used in woolmaking.) … Wikipedia
file card — I. noun Etymology: file (I) : a wire brush for cleaning files II. noun Etymology: file (V) : a card of a size and shape suitable to be used in a file * * * a card of a size suitable for filing, t … Useful english dictionary
file card — a card of a size suitable for filing, typically 3 × 5 in. (7.62 × 12.7 cm) or 4 × 6 in. (10.16 × 15.24 cm). [1965 70] * * * … Universalium
file card brush — A brush with angled wire bristles for cleaning between the teeth on a file or the threads on a bolt … Dictionary of automotive terms
target file card — taikinio kortelė statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Grafinis dokumentas, kuriame nurodytas taikinio išdėstymas, koordinatės, grupinio taikinio matmenys, apsaugos laipsnis ir kt. charakteristikos. atitikmenys: angl. target file card rus. карточка … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
card-in|dex — card index, a file of cards referring to separate books, pictures, or other items in a collection, so arranged as to aid in finding items desired; card file; card catalog: »[He] and his people have built up a card index with details of every one… … Useful english dictionary
card — card1 [kärd] n. [ME carde < OFr carte < ML carta, card, paper < L charta, leaf of paper, tablet < Gr chartēs, layer of papyrus; prob. < Egypt] 1. a flat, stiff piece of thick paper or thin pasteboard, usually rectangular, as a) any … English World dictionary
card catalog — noun 1. a library catalog in which each publication is described on a separate file card • Syn: ↑card catalogue • Hypernyms: ↑library catalog, ↑library catalogue 2. an alphabetical listing of items (e.g., books in a library) with a separate card… … Useful english dictionary
card catalogue — noun 1. a library catalog in which each publication is described on a separate file card • Syn: ↑card catalog • Hypernyms: ↑library catalog, ↑library catalogue 2. an alphabetical listing of items (e.g., books in a library) with a separate card… … Useful english dictionary
File (tool) — A file (or hand file) is a hand tool used to shape material by cutting. A file typically takes the form of a hardened steel bar, mostly covered with a series of sharp, parallel ridges or teeth . Most files have a narrow, pointed tang at one end… … Wikipedia