filamentary wire

filamentary wire
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "filamentary wire" в других словарях:

  • filamentary — filament ► NOUN 1) a slender thread like object or fibre. 2) a metal wire in an electric light bulb, which glows white hot when an electric current is passed through it. 3) Botany the slender part of a stamen that supports the anther. DERIVATIVES …   English terms dictionary

  • Inductance — Electromagnetism Electricity · …   Wikipedia

  • Tesla coil — at Questacon the National Science and Technology center in Canberra, Australia Uses Application in educational demonstrations, novelty lighting, as well as music Inventor …   Wikipedia

  • filament — [fil′ə mənt] n. [Fr < ML filamentum < LL filare, to spin < L filum: see FILE1] 1. a very slender thread or fiber 2. a threadlike part; specif., a) the fine metal wire in a light bulb which becomes incandescent when heated by an electric… …   English World dictionary

  • filament — noun Etymology: Middle French, from Medieval Latin filamentum, from Late Latin filare to spin more at file Date: 1594 a single thread or a thin flexible threadlike object, process, or appendage: as a. a tenuous conductor (as of carbon or metal)… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Ozone — For other uses, see Ozone (disambiguation). Ozone …   Wikipedia

  • filament — [ fɪləm(ə)nt] noun 1》 a slender thread like object or fibre, especially one found in animal or plant structures. 2》 a metal wire in an electric light bulb, made incandescent by an electric current. 3》 Botany the slender part of a stamen that… …   English new terms dictionary

  • filament — ► NOUN 1) a slender thread like object or fibre. 2) a metal wire in an electric light bulb, which glows white hot when an electric current is passed through it. 3) Botany the slender part of a stamen that supports the anther. DERIVATIVES… …   English terms dictionary

  • filamentous — filament ► NOUN 1) a slender thread like object or fibre. 2) a metal wire in an electric light bulb, which glows white hot when an electric current is passed through it. 3) Botany the slender part of a stamen that supports the anther. DERIVATIVES …   English terms dictionary

  • filament — n. 1 a slender threadlike body or fibre (esp. in animal or vegetable structures). 2 a conducting wire or thread with a high melting point in an electric bulb or thermionic valve, heated or made incandescent by an electric current. 3 Bot. the part …   Useful english dictionary

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