- field painting
малярные работы
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
field painting — field painting, a style of abstract expressionism restricted to painting simple, luminous expanses of closely related colors; imagism … Useful english dictionary
colour-field painting — ▪ art also called post painterly abstraction with Action painting, one of two major strains of the 20th century art movement known as Abstract Expressionism. The term typically describes large scale canvases dominated by flat expanses of… … Universalium
Color-Field-Painting — [ kʌləfiːld peɪntɪȖ, englisch] das, , Farbfeldmalerei, eine Ende der 1950er Jahre in den USA entstandene Variante des abstrakten Expressionismus, die sich auf reine Farbflächen beschränkt und auf raumillusionistische Wirkungen verzichtet (Helen … Universal-Lexikon
Color-Field-Painting — Co|lor Field Pain|ting [ kʌləfi:ld pein...] das; s <zu engl. field »Feld« u. painting »Malerei«, eigtl. »Farbfeldmalerei«> Ende der 1950er Jahre in den USA entstandene Stilrichtung der Malerei, die sich auf reine Farbflächen beschränkt u.… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Color Field Painting — Die Farbfeldmalerei (auch: Colourfield Painting oder „nachmalende Abstraktion“) ist eine Ausdrucksform der zeitgenössischen Kunst, die sich durch großflächige, homogen gefüllte Farbfeldern auszeichnet. Diese Maltechnik entwickelte sich in den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Painting — For other uses, see Painting (disambiguation). The Mona Lisa, by Italian painter Leonardo da Vinci, is one of the most recognizable artistic paintings in the world. Painting is the practice of applying paint, pig … Wikipedia
painting — A number of factors make discussion of postwar British painting difficult. The number of different, co existing styles of painting is one problem. Another, perhaps more serious problem is the fact that painting has not been dominated by an… … Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture
painting — 1. живопись wax painting энкаустика, живопись восковыми красками mural painting стенная роспись, фресковая живопись he is tired of painting ему наскучила живопись color field painting живопись, цветных полей Action Painting «активная живопись» … English-Russian travelling dictionary
field sports — plural noun Sports of the field, such as hunting, racing, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑field * * * field sports UK US noun [plural] british activities that involve catching or killing animals, birds, or fish for enjoyment Thesaurus: hunting, shooting… … Useful english dictionary
color-field painting — … Useful english dictionary
painting, Western — ▪ art Introduction history of Western painting from its beginnings in prehistoric times to the present. Painting, the execution of forms and shapes on a surface by means of pigment (but see also drawing for discussion of depictions in … Universalium