
1) волокно
2) цел.-бум. волокнистая масса
3) фибра
4) лесн. либриформ
5) элементарная нить
6) (оптическое) волокно
7) пищ. мезга
acetate fiber
acrylic fiber
active fiber
adhesive fiber
allskin fiber
alumina fiber
animalized fiber
anisotropic fiber
artificial fiber
asbestos fiber
axially aligned fiber
bare fiber
basalt fiber
bast fiber
bicomponent fiber
bimodal fiber
birefringent fiber
bonding fiber
- broad bandwidth fiber -
buffered glass fiber
butt-joined fibers
cane fiber
carbon fiber
cathodoluminescent fiber
ceramic fiber
chopped glass fiber
circular-core fiber
circumferentially spaced fibers
cladded fiber
clad fiber
coat-core fiber
coated fiber
coherence-retaining fiber
compliant fiber
compression fiber
concatenated fiber
concentric coated fiber
conical fiber
conjugate fiber
continuous glass fiber
copper fiber
coupled fibers
crimped fiber
cuprammonium fiber
delay fiber
dielectrically coated fiber
dielectric coated fiber
discontinuous-index fiber
dispersion-free fiber
dispersive fiber
doped-core fiber
dope-dyed fiber
double window fiber
double-clad fiber
double-mode fiber
downstream fiber
drawn fiber
dry-spun fiber
dual-core fiber
dull fiber
elastomer fiber
energized fiber
excentrically cladded fiber
extended-spectral-response fiber
feed fiber
field spliced fiber
first window fiber
flame-retardant fiber
focusing fiber
freshly drawn fiber
fused silica fiber
fusion-spliced fibers
glass fiber
glass-ceramic fiber
glass-clad silica core fiber
glass-on-glass fiber
graded-index fiber
gradient-index fiber
gradient fiber
graphite fiber
graphitized carbon fiber
guiding fiber
hard-glass fiber
heat-insulating fiber
heat-resistant fiber
heat-treated fiber
hemispherical-ended fiber
heterogeneous fiber
high bandwidth fiber
high NA fiber
high tensile strength fiber
high transmission loss fiber
high-absorbency viscose fiber
high-attenuation fiber
high-capacity fiber
high-dispersive fiber
high-loss fiber
highly multimode fiber
high-strength fiber
hollow-core fiber
homogeneous fiber
illuminating fiber
imaging fiber
input fiber
irradiated fiber
isotropic fiber
jacketed fiber
just-drawn fiber
lacquer coated fiber
laser fiber
laser-fed fiber
launch fiber
lensed-faced fiber
light-carrying fiber
light-focusing fiber
light-guide glass fiber
light-guiding fiber
light-transmitting fiber
liquid-core fiber
long glass fiber
longitudinal fiber
longitudinally alignedfibers
low pilling fiber
low-attenuation fiber
low-capacity fiber
low-dispersion fiber
lower fiber
low-loss fiber
low-transmission loss fiber
man-made fiber
matched fibers
median fiber
melt-adhesive fiber
metal coated fiber
metallic fiber
metallized fiber
mica fiber
mineral fiber
mismatched fibers
mode-matched fibers
monocomponent fiber
monocrystalline fiber
monomode fiber
multicomponent fiber
multicore fiber
multimode fiber
multiple fiber
nerve fiber
newly drawn fiber
nonpolarization-preserving fiber
oblique-faced fiber
oblique fiber
one-mode fiber
optical glass fiber
optically identical fibers
outer fiber
output fiber
overcompensated fiber
parabolically graded fiber
parabolic fiber
passivated fiber
phototransmissive glass fiber
phototransmissive fiber
piezoelectrically stressed fiber
piezoelectrically stretched fiber
pixel fiber
plane-end fiber
plastic cladded fiber
plastic clad fiber
plastic fiber
plastic packaged fiber
plastic-core fiber
pliant fiber
polarization-conserving fiber
polarization-holding fiber
polarization-maintaining fiber
polarization-preserving fiber
polarizing fiber
polished fiber
polymer cladded fiber
polymer clad fiber
power-law profile fiber
primary glass fiber
pristine glass fiber
quartz fiber
radiation-resistant fiber
reed fiber
reference fiber
reinforcing fiber
rock fiber
second window fiber
secondary coated fiber
segmented-core fiber
self-centering fiber
self-focusing fiber
selfoc fiber
semidull fiber
sending fiber
sensing fiber
short wavelength fiber
shrinkage fiber
signal-bearing fiber
signal fiber
silica fiber
silicon-core fiber
single continuous fiber
single fiber
single optical fiber
single-crystal fiber
single-material fiber
single-mode fiber
sized glass fiber
smooth optical fiber
solid-core fiber
source fiber
spherical-ended fiber
spliced fiber
staple fiber
staple glass fiber
stepped-index fiber
step-index fiber
subordinate fiber
superfine fiber
synthetic fiber
tailor-made fiber
tap fiber
tapered fiber
tensile fiber
tension fiber
textile fiber
textile glass fiber
thermal-insulating fiber
third window fiber
transmitting fiber
transverse fiber
triangular-profile index fiber
triangular-profile fiber
trimmed fiber
twin-core fiber
twisted fiber
two-mode fiber
uncladded fiber
unclad fiber
uncoated fiber
undercompensated fiber
undulated glass fiber
unimodal fiber
unimode fiber
unjacketed fiber
upper fiber
upstream fiber
UV grade fiber
VAD fiber
virgin glass fiber
vulcanized fiber
waveguide fiber
wet-spun fiber
wideband fiber
wood fiber
zero-dispersion fiber

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "fiber" в других словарях:

  • Fiber — Fi ber, Fibre Fi bre,, n. [F. fibre, L. fibra.] 1. One of the delicate, threadlike portions of which the tissues of plants and animals are in part constituted; as, the fiber of flax or of muscle. [1913 Webster] 2. Any fine, slender thread, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fiber — [fī′bər] n. [Fr fibre < L fibra, akin to filum, thread: see FILE1] 1. a) a slender, threadlike structure that combines with others to form animal or vegetable tissue b) the tissue so formed [muscle fiber] 2. a slender, threadlike structure… …   English World dictionary

  • Fiber — Sf Faser erw. fach. (16. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. fibra, zu der gleichen Grundlage (ig. * gwhis ) wie l. fīlum n. Faden .    Ebenso nndl. fiber, ne. fibre, nfrz. fibre, nschw. fiber, nnorw. fiber; Filet. lateinisch l …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • fiber — 1530s, from Fr. fibre (14c.), from L. fibra a fiber, filament, of uncertain origin, perhaps related to L. filum thread, or from root of findere to split. Fiberboard is from 1897; Fiberglas is 1937, U.S. registered trademark name; and fiber optics …   Etymology dictionary

  • FIBER — animal ἀμφίβιον, idem cum castore, quam vocem vide supra; per universum Pontum plurimus Lutris similis est, animal morsu potentissimum, adeo ut cum hominem invadit, conventum dentium non prius laxet, quam concrepuisse persenserit fracta ossa.… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • fiber — [n1] strand of material cilia, cord, fibril, filament, footlet, grain, grit, hair, shred, staple, string, strip, tendril, thread, tissue, tooth, vein, warp, web, woof; concepts 392,428,611,831 fiber [n2] texture essence, fabric, feel, hand, nap,… …   New thesaurus

  • fiber — (Brit. fibre) ► NOUN 1) a thread or filament from which a plant or animal tissue, mineral substance, or textile is formed. 2) a substance formed of fibres. 3) dietary material containing substances such as cellulose, that are resistant to the… …   English terms dictionary

  • Fiber — Fiber. См. Волокнистость. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) …   Словарь металлургических терминов

  • Fiber — Fiber, Säugethier, 1) so v.w. Biber; 2) F. Cuv. (Zibethmaus), Gattung der schwimmfüßigen [254] Wühlmäuse; oben u. unten jederseits 3 Backenzähne, von den Seiten zusammengedrückter, dünn bebaarter Schuppenschwanz, halbe Schwimmhäute, mit einem… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Fiber — Fiber, die Bisamratte …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • fiber — index character (personal quality), frame (mood), prowess (bravery) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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