FFT bin

FFT bin
элемент дискретизации при быстром преобразовании Фурье

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "FFT bin" в других словарях:

  • Coherent sampling — Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is a common tool to investigate performance of for data converters and other sampled systems. Coherent sampling refers to a certain relationship between input frequency, fin, sampling frequency, fs, number of cycles,… …   Wikipedia

  • Goertzel algorithm — The Goertzel algorithm is a digital signal processing (DSP) technique for identifying frequency components of a signal, published by Dr. Gerald Goertzel in 1958. While the general Fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm computes evenly across the… …   Wikipedia

  • Constant Q transform — In mathematics and signal processing, the Constant Q Transform transforms a data series to the frequency domain, and is related to the Fourier Transform [1]. The transform can be thought of as a series of logarithmically spaced filters, with the… …   Wikipedia

  • Window function — For the term used in SQL statements, see Window function (SQL) In signal processing, a window function (also known as an apodization function or tapering function[1]) is a mathematical function that is zero valued outside of some chosen interval …   Wikipedia

  • List of mathematics articles (B) — NOTOC B B spline B* algebra B* search algorithm B,C,K,W system BA model Ba space Babuška Lax Milgram theorem Baby Monster group Baby step giant step Babylonian mathematics Babylonian numerals Bach tensor Bach s algorithm Bachmann–Howard ordinal… …   Wikipedia

  • Alkoholkrankheit — Vergleichende Klassifikation nach ICD 10   DSM IV …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Phased array — This article is about general theory and electromagnetic phased array. For the ultrasonic and medical imaging application, see phased array ultrasonics. In wave theory, a phased array is a group of antennas in which the relative phases of the… …   Wikipedia

  • MAFFT — is a multiple sequence alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences.MAFFT is freely available for academic use, without any warranty. See also * Sequence alignment software * Clustal References * Katoh K, Kuma K, Toh H, Miyata T… …   Wikipedia

  • SHA-0 — Le SHA 0 est l ancêtre du SHA 1. Le SHA 0 a été rapidement mis de côté par le NIST pour des raisons de sécurité insuffisante. Le SHA 0 était légitimement soupçonné de contenir des failles qui permettraient d aboutir rapidement à des collisions… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • SHA0 — SHA 0 Le SHA 0 est l ancêtre du SHA 1. Le SHA 0 a été rapidement mis de côté par le NIST pour des raisons de sécurité insuffisante. Le SHA 0 était légitimement soupçonné de contenir des failles qui permettraient d aboutir rapidement à des… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sha-0 — Le SHA 0 est l ancêtre du SHA 1. Le SHA 0 a été rapidement mis de côté par le NIST pour des raisons de sécurité insuffisante. Le SHA 0 était légitimement soupçonné de contenir des failles qui permettraient d aboutir rapidement à des collisions… …   Wikipédia en Français

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