feedback transmission

feedback transmission
передача с обратной связью

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "feedback transmission" в других словарях:

  • Feedback (Kommunikation) — Feedback (engl. = Rückmeldung, Rückinformation) bezeichnet in der Kommunikation von Menschen die Rückübermittelung von Informationen durch den Empfänger einer Nachricht an den Sender jener Nachricht. Diese Informationen melden dem Sender, was der …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Transmission and infection of H5N1 — from infected avian sources to humans is a concern due to the global spread of H5N1 that constitutes a pandemic threat.Infected birds pass on H5N1 through their saliva, nasal secretions, and feces. Other birds may pick up the virus through direct …   Wikipedia

  • feedback — i. The transmission of aerodynamic forces on control surfaces or rotor blades to cockpit controls as also the transmission of cockpit control forces to the aircraft control surfaces or rotor blades. ii. A process in an electrical circuit or… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Feedback — Rétroaction Représentation d une boucle rétroactive. La rétroaction (on utilise aussi couramment le terme anglais feedback), est, au sens large, l’action en retour d’un effet sur le dispositif qui lui a donné naissance, et donc, ainsi, sur elle… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • feedback path — In a feedback control loop, the transmission path from the loop output signal to the loop feedback signal. See feedback (ii) …   Aviation dictionary

  • Transmission Control Protocol — TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) Familie: Internetprotokollfamilie Einsatzgebiet: Zuverlässiger bidirektionaler Datentransport TCP im TCP/IP‑Protokollstapel: Anwendung HTTP SMTP …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • feedback control loop — A closed transmission path (loop) that includes an active transducer and consists of a forward path, a feedback path, and one or more mixing points arranged to maintain a prescribed relationship between the loop input and output signals. See… …   Aviation dictionary

  • feedback — noun Date: 1919 1. the return to the input of a part of the output of a machine, system, or process (as for producing changes in an electronic circuit that improve performance or in an automatic control device that provide self corrective action) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • feedback —   n. return of a fraction of the energy output to the energy input in a transmission system; an arrangement by which a variation in output modifies the generation of energy; information or comments returned by users, respondents etc …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • Linear feedback shift register — [ xor gate provides feedback to the register that shifts bits from left to right. The maximal sequence consists of every possible state except the 0000 state.] A linear feedback shift register (LFSR) is a shift register whose input bit is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Negative feedback amplifier — Figure 1: Ideal negative feedback model A negative feedback amplifier (or more commonly simply a feedback amplifier) is an amplifier which combines a fraction of the output with the input so that a negative feedback opposes the original signal.… …   Wikipedia

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