- feedback current
ток в цепи обратной связи
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
feedback current — grįžtamojo ryšio srovė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. feedback current vok. Rückkoppelstrom, m rus. ток обратной связи, m pranc. courant de réaction, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Current source — Figure 1: An ideal current source, I, driving a resistor, R, and creating a voltage V A current source is an electrical or electronic device that delivers or absorbs electric current. A current source is the dual of a voltage source. The term… … Wikipedia
Current-to-voltage converter — In electronics, a transimpedance amplifier is an amplifier that converts current to voltage. Its input ideally has zero impedance, and the input signal is a current. Its output may have low impedance, or in high frequency applications, may be… … Wikipedia
Current divider — Figure 1: Schematic of an electrical circuit illustrating current division. Notation RT. refers to the total resistance of the circuit to the right of resistor RX. In electronics, a current divider is a simple linear circuit that produces an… … Wikipedia
Current mirror — A current mirror is a circuit designed to copy a current through one active device by controlling the current in another active device of a circuit, keeping the output current constant regardless of loading. The current being copied can be, and… … Wikipedia
Current-feedback operational amplifier — Representative schematic of a current feedback op amp or amplifier. The current feedback operational amplifier otherwise known as CfoA or CfA is a type of electronic amplifier whose inverting input is sensitive to current, rather than to voltage… … Wikipedia
Feedback — For other uses, see Feedback (disambiguation). Feedback describes the situation when output from (or information about the result of) an event or phenomenon in the past will influence an occurrence or occurrences of the same (i.e. same defined)… … Wikipedia
Current differencing buffered amplifier — Block diagram of the CDBA A current differencing buffered amplifier (CDBA) is a multi terminal active component with two inputs and two outputs and developed by Cevdet Acar and Serdar Özoğuz. Its block diagram can be seen from the figure. It is… … Wikipedia
current feedback — srovės grįžtamasis ryšys statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. current feedback vok. Stromrückkopplung, f rus. обратная связь по току, f pranc. réaction de courant, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
current feedback — srovės grįžtamasis ryšys statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. current feedback vok. Stromrückkopplung, f rus. обратная связь по току, f pranc. réaction d’intensité, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
feedback — Synonyms and related words: birdies, blooping, blurping, closed loop, closed sequence, current control circuit, degeneration, distortion, flip flop circuit, flutter, fluttering, hissing, howling, hum, motorboating, positive feedback, process loop … Moby Thesaurus