fastening seal

fastening seal
тара крепёжное средство

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "fastening seal" в других словарях:

  • seal — 1 n [Old French seel, from Latin sigillum, from diminutive of signum mark, sign]: a device (as an emblem, symbol, or word) used to identify or replace a signature and to authenticate (as at common law) written matter see also contract under seal… …   Law dictionary

  • seal — seal1 sealable, adj. /seel/, n. 1. an embossed emblem, figure, symbol, word, letter, etc., used as attestation or evidence of authenticity. 2. a stamp, medallion, ring, etc., engraved with such a device, for impressing paper, wax, lead, or the… …   Universalium

  • SEAL, SEALS — In the Ancient Period The seal was employed from the beginning of the historical era as a method of identifying property, as protection against theft, to mark the clay stoppers of oil and wine jars or the strip with which packaged goods were… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • seal — I. /sil / (say seel) noun 1. a device impressed on a piece of wax or the like, or an impression, wafer, etc., affixed to a document as evidence of authenticity or attestation. 2. a stamp engraved with such a device. 3. an impression made with… …  

  • seal — I. noun (plural seals; also seal) Etymology: Middle English sele, from Old English seolh; akin to Old High German selah seal Date: before 12th century 1. any of numerous carnivorous marine mammals (families Phocidae and Otariidae) that live… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • seal — An impression upon wax, wafer, or some other tenacious substance capable of being impressed. In current practice, a particular sign (e.g. L.S.) or the word seal is made in lieu of an actual seal to attest the execution of the instrument. As… …   Black's law dictionary

  • seal — I [[t]sil[/t]] n. 1) an embossed emblem, symbol, letter, etc., used as attestation or evidence of authenticity 2) a stamp, medallion, ring, etc., engraved with such a device, for impressing paper, wax, lead, or the like 3) the impression so… …   From formal English to slang

  • seal — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a piece of wax, lead, paper, etc., with a stamped design, attached to a document as a guarantee of authenticity. 2 a similar material attached to a receptacle, envelope, etc., affording security by having to be broken to allow… …   Useful english dictionary

  • SEAL — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a piece of wax, lead, paper, etc., with a stamped design, attached to a document as a guarantee of authenticity. 2 a similar material attached to a receptacle, envelope, etc., affording security by having to be broken to allow… …   Useful english dictionary

  • seal — I n 1. emblem, representation, symbol, badge, insignia, regalia, token, sign, mark; label, monogram, cartouche, signet, stamp, imprint; coat of arms, escutcheon, crest; seal ring, ring, medallion, die. 2. sealant, sealing wax, adhesive, tape,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • seal — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. die, stamp, signet; embossment, wafer, stamp; guarantee, confirmation; safeguard, stopper. v. t. stamp, ratify, confirm; fasten, secure, occlude; close, confine. See completion, closure. II (Roget s… …   English dictionary for students

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