- false front
1) архит. уширенный фасад2) авто декоративная решётка
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
false front — index deception, disguise Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
false front — n. deceptive manner to put up a false front * * * [ˌfɔːls frʌnt] [ deceptive manner ] to put up a false front … Combinatory dictionary
false front — noun 1. : a facade extending beyond and especially above the true dimensions of a building to give it a more imposing appearance 2. : false hair usually used for bangs or curls at the front hairline 3. : appearance or manner intended to deceive * … Useful english dictionary
false front — 1. a façade falsifying the size, finish, or importance of a building, esp. one having a humble purpose or cheap construction. 2. any deceptive appearance: He hid his great shyness behind a false front of aggressiveness. [1885 90, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
false front — Synonyms and related words: acting, affectation, affectedness, airs, airs and graces, anteriority, appearance, artificiality, attitudinizing, blazon, bluff, bluffing, bold front, brave face, brave front, bravura, brilliancy, camouflage, cheating … Moby Thesaurus
put on a false front — index pretend Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
front — Synonyms and related words: CAT, Charlie McCarthy, DMZ, accented, aceldama, act for, acting, advance, advance guard, aerospace, aerosphere, affectation, affectedness, affront, agent, ahead, air, air hole, air mass, air pocket, airhead, airs, airs … Moby Thesaurus
front — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) I n. foreground (see front); figurehead, cover (see substitution). v. t. confront, face (see opposition). front for II (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. fore, forward, frontal, foremost, head, headmost, leading,… … English dictionary for students
front — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 area where fighting takes place in a war ADJECTIVE ▪ eastern, western, etc. ▪ Thousands were killed on the eastern front. ▪ battle, war … Collocations dictionary
false show — Synonyms and related words: Prospero, acting, affectation, affectedness, airiness, airs, airs and graces, appearance, artificiality, attitudinizing, bluff, bluffing, cheating, color, coloring, deception, delusion, delusiveness, disguise,… … Moby Thesaurus
front for — cover (see substitution). II Foremost part Nouns 1. front, forefront, fore, forepart; foreground; face, disk, frontage, facade, proscenium, frontispiece; downstage; obverse; beginning. See precedence. 2. (what s in front) front rank, front lines; … English dictionary for students