- fallback
1) вчт. переход на аварийный режим2) вчт. нейтрализация неисправности3) снижение температуры размягчения битума
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Fallback — [dt. »Zurückfallen«], eine bei der Datenfernübertragung durch Modems oder von Faxgeräten (Fax) angewandte Technik, die für eine sichere Übertragung auch bei qualitativ schlechten Telefonverbindungen sorgt. Dazu wird bei auftretenden Störungen… … Universal-Lexikon
fallback — fall back, n. 1. The act or process of falling back. [PJC] 2. Something or someone to which one resorts as an alternative to a failed resource or method. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fallback — also fall back; 1767 as a type of chair; 1930 as a position to be used in an emergency; from FALL (Cf. fall) (v.) + BACK (Cf. back) (adv.) … Etymology dictionary
fallback — ► NOUN 1) an alternative plan for use in an emergency. 2) a reduction … English terms dictionary
fallback — [fôl′bak΄] n. 1. something in reserve that one can turn to for help 2. a withdrawing; retreat … English World dictionary
fallback — The procedures to be followed during communication or systems failure. HM Customs & Revenue Glossary * * * fallback fall‧back [ˈfɔːlbæk ǁ ˈfɒːl ] noun [countable] 1. another word for fall2: fallback in • The March consumer price index is also… … Financial and business terms
fallback — noun Date: 1851 1. something on which one can fall back ; reserve often used attributively < a fallback career > < a fallback position > 2. a falling back ; retreat 3. something that falls back < the fallback from an explosion > … New Collegiate Dictionary
fallback — 1. noun /ˈfɔːl.bæk/ a) An act of falling back. As a fallback, I suppose we can use typewriters if the word processing system fails. b) A backup plan or contingency strategy; an alternative which can be used if something goes wrong with the main… … Wiktionary
fallback — /fawl bak /, n. 1. an act or instance of falling back. 2. something or someone to turn or return to, esp. for help or as an alternative: His teaching experience would be a fallback if the business failed. adj. 3. Also, fall back. of or… … Universalium
fallback — fall|back [ˈfo:lbæk US ˈfo:l ] n something that can be used or done if a supply, method etc fails ▪ It s wise to have an extra video player as a fallback. ▪ Do you have a fallback option? →fall back on sb/sth at ↑fall1 … Dictionary of contemporary English
fallback — [[t]fɔ͟ːlbæk[/t]] ADJ: ADJ n Someone s fallback position is what they will do if their plans do not succeed, or if something unexpected happens. [JOURNALISM] Yesterday s vote itself was a retreat from an earlier fallback position … English dictionary