failure analysis data

failure analysis data
данные для анализа отказов (напр. станков)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "failure analysis data" в других словарях:

  • Failure analysis — is the process of collecting and analyzing data to determine the cause of a failure. It is an important discipline in many branches of manufacturing industry, such as the electronics industry, where it is a vital tool used in the development of… …   Wikipedia

  • Failure rate — is the frequency with which an engineered system or component fails, expressed for example in failures per hour. It is often denoted by the Greek letter λ (lambda) and is important in reliability engineering. The failure rate of a system usually… …   Wikipedia

  • Data — For data in a computer science context, see Data (computing). For other senses of the word, see Data (disambiguation). See also datum, a disambiguation page. The term data refers to qualitative or quantitative attributes of a variable or set of… …   Wikipedia

  • Data mining — Not to be confused with analytics, information extraction, or data analysis. Data mining (the analysis step of the knowledge discovery in databases process,[1] or KDD), a relatively young and interdisciplinary field of computer science[2][3] is… …   Wikipedia

  • Failure in the intelligence cycle — or intelligence failure, while never defined in texts, can be understood to be the outcome of the inadequacies within the intelligence cycle. The intelligence cycle itself consists of six steps that are constantly in motion. The six steps are:… …   Wikipedia

  • Data collection — is a term used to describe a process of preparing and collecting data, for example, as part of a process improvement or similar project. The purpose of data collection is to obtain information to keep on record, to make decisions about important… …   Wikipedia

  • Data erasure — (also called data clearing or data wiping) is a software based method of overwriting data that completely destroys all electronic data residing on a hard disk drive or other digital media. Permanent data erasure goes beyond basic file deletion… …   Wikipedia

  • Analysis of clinical trials — Failure to include all participants in the analysis may bias the trial results. Most trials do not yield perfect data, however. Protocol violations may occur, such as when the patients do not receive the full intervention or the correct… …   Wikipedia

  • Data dredging — (data fishing, data snooping) is the inappropriate (sometimes deliberately so) use of data mining to uncover misleading relationships in data. Data snooping bias is a form of statistical bias that arises from this misuse of statistics. Any… …   Wikipedia

  • Data sharing — is the practice of making data used for scholarly research available to other investigators. Replication has a long history in science. The motto of The Royal Society is Nullius in verba , translated Take no man s word for it. [1] Many funding… …   Wikipedia

  • Failure Reporting, Analysis and Corrective Action Systems — A Failure Reporting, Analysis and Corrective Action System (FRACAS) is a software system that provides a framework for controlling corrective action processes. It is used in an industrial environment to collect, record and analyse system failures …   Wikipedia

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