faience ware

faience ware
фаянс, фаянсовые изделия

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "faience ware" в других словарях:

  • FAÏENCE — Le mot «faïence» tire son origine de Faenza, petite ville d’Italie située au pied des Apennins, qui fut, à partir du XVe siècle, le centre d’une fabrication céramique renommée dont la diffusion en Europe se trouva favorisée par le mouvement de la …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Faience — For the architectural material, see Glazed architectural terra cotta. For the ceramics of Ancient Egypt and the Indus Valley, see Egyptian faience Faience or faïence is the conventional name in English for fine tin glazed pottery on a delicate… …   Wikipedia

  • faience — /fuy ahns , fay /; Fr. /fann yahonns /, n. glazed earthenware or pottery, esp. a fine variety with highly colored designs. Also, faïence. [1705 15; < F, orig. pottery of Faenza, city in northern Italy] * * * Tin glazed earthenware made in France …   Universalium

  • faience fine — ▪ pottery       fine white English lead glazed earthenware, or creamware, imported into France from about 1730 onward. Staffordshire “salt glaze” was imported first, followed by the improved Wedgwood “Queen s ware” and the Leeds “cream coloured… …   Universalium

  • Faïence de Creil-Montereau — La faïence de Creil Montereau est une production céramique provenant des communes de Montereau, dans le département de Seine et Marne et de Creil, dans l Oise. Broc et bassine en faïence à décor imprimé, Creil Montereau. Musée Gallé Juillet de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • faience — [fʌɪ ɒfaiences, feɪ , α:ns] noun glazed ceramic ware, in particular decorated tin glazed earthenware of the type which includes delftware. Origin C17 (orig. denoting pottery made at Faenza): from Fr. faïence, from Faïence, the Fr. name for Faenza …   English new terms dictionary

  • Saint-Porchaire ware — is a type of pottery or ceramic; a refined white faience ware made for a restricted clientele from the 1520s to the 1540s. It is the earliest very high quality French pottery. Only seventy pieces of this ware survive, all of them well known… …   Wikipedia

  • Egyptian faience — is a non clay ceramic displaying surface vitrification which creates a bright blue green luster. It is called Egyptian faience to distinguish it from Faience which refers to the ambiguous term frit and a type of pottery now know as majolica: a… …   Wikipedia

  • Rouen ware — ▪ pottery       faience (tin glazed earthenware) and porcelain wares that made Rouen, Fr., a major pottery centre. In the 16th century faience was used as an element of architectural decoration and in apothecary jars. A Rouen potter, Edme Poterat …   Universalium

  • Zürich ware — ▪ pottery       faience (tin glazed earthenware), faience fine (lead glazed earthenware), and porcelain made at a factory near Zürich founded in 1763 by Salomon Gessner and others. The faience was at first painted in a style similar to that of… …   Universalium

  • Saint-Porchaire faience — ▪ earthenware also called  Henri Deux Ware, or Faïence Dʾoiron,         lead glazed earthenware (inaccurately called faience, or tin glazed ware) made in the second quarter of the 16th century at Saint Porchaire in the département of Deux Sèvres …   Universalium

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