
1) лицевая панель (прибора)
2) накладка, защитная пластина
3) разметочная плита
4) планшайба
5) щиток
6) ж.-д. плоский контроллер
7) дно (ЭЛТ); торцевая поверхность (баллона ЭЛТ); экран (ЭЛТ)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "faceplate" в других словарях:

  • faceplate — [fās′plāt΄] n. 1. a disk fastened to the spindle of a lathe that holds in place work to be turned 2. a protective cover, as over a light switch, journal box, etc …   English World dictionary

  • faceplate — priekinis skydas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. faceplate vok. Frontplatte, f rus. передняя панель, f pranc. panneau frontal, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • faceplate jaw — noun : a dog attachment for a faceplate to convert it into a chuck …   Useful english dictionary

  • faceplate — noun Date: 1841 1. a disk fixed with its face at right angles to the live spindle of a lathe for the attachment of the work 2. a. a protective plate for a machine or device b. a protective cover for the human face (as of a diver) 3. the glass… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • faceplate — /fays playt /, n. 1. (on a lathe) a perforated plate, mounted on the live spindle, to which the work is attached. 2. the part of a protective headpiece, as a diver s or astronaut s helmet, that covers the upper portion of the face, often of… …   Universalium

  • faceplate — noun a) A removable protective shield separating the inner workings of a machine from operator and observer. b) A rigid flat surface that has an active role in the interaction of a device with an operator or user …   Wiktionary

  • Faceplate — Фронтальное стекло, экран (электронно лучевой трубки) …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • faceplate — The transparent front of a portion of the pressure helmet. It can be detachable or fixed …   Aviation dictionary

  • faceplate — noun 1》 an enlarged end or attachment on the end of the mandrel on a lathe, on which work can be mounted. 2》 the transparent window of a diver s or astronaut s helmet. 3》 the part of a cathode ray tube that carries the phosphor screen …   English new terms dictionary

  • faceplate — face•plate [[t]ˈfeɪsˌpleɪt[/t]] n. 1) bui mel a perforated disk mounted on a spindle of a lathe for holding work to be turned 2) cvb the part of a protective headpiece, as a diver s or astronaut s helmet, that covers the upper portion of the face …   From formal English to slang

  • faceplate — /ˈfeɪspleɪt/ (say faysplayt) noun 1. a circular plate, which may be attached to the mandrel of a lathe, provided with slots and holes for securing work of an irregular shape. 2. the cover which fits over the front of a mobile phone. 3. a covering …  

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