extreme beam

extreme beam
наибольшая ширина судна

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "extreme beam" в других словарях:

  • Extreme ultraviolet — Extreme Ultra Violet radiation (EUV) is generally considered to be the part of the electromagnetic spectrum spanning from 120 nm down to 10 nm. Its main uses are photoelectron spectroscopy, solar imaging, and lithography. EUV is naturally… …   Wikipedia

  • Beam — may refer to: *Beam (structure), a construction element *Beam (nautical), the most extreme width (or breadth) of a nautical vessel, or a point alongside the ship at the mid point of its length *A narrow, propagating stream of particles or energy …   Wikipedia

  • Extreme ultraviolet lithography — (also known as EUV or EUVL ) is a next generation lithography technology using the 13.5 nm EUV wavelength. EUVL opticsEUVL is a significant departure from the deep ultraviolet lithography used today. All matter absorbs EUV radiation. Hence, EUV… …   Wikipedia

  • Extreme Light Infrastructure — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) es un proyecto europeo que tiene como finalidad crear una infraestructura cientifica en el campo de los láseres, dedicada a la investigación y aplicación de la interacción láser… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Extreme Dodgeball — was an American Sports Entertainment television show that debuted on Game Show Network in 2004. It is also featured on the British television channel Challenge.tandard rulesIn the first two seasons, two teams of five compete in a match of three… …   Wikipedia

  • beam — beamless, adj. beamlike, adj. /beem/, n. 1. any of various relatively long pieces of metal, wood, stone, etc., manufactured or shaped esp. for use as rigid members or parts of structures or machines. 2. Building Trades. a horizontal bearing… …   Universalium

  • beam — I. noun Etymology: Middle English beem, from Old English bēam tree, beam; akin to Old High German boum tree Date: before 12th century 1. a. a long piece of heavy often squared timber suitable for use in construction b. a wood or metal cylinder in …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • beam — [[t]bim[/t]] n. 1) bui any of various relatively long pieces of metal, wood, etc., used esp. as rigid members or parts of structures or machines 2) bui a horizontal bearing member, as a joist or lintel, or a transverse supporting structural… …   From formal English to slang

  • extreme fiber — noun : one of the longitudinal elements of a structural member (as a beam) that are at the greatest distance from the neutral axis …   Useful english dictionary

  • Laser beam profiler — A laser beam profiler captures, displays, and records the spatial intensity profile of a laser beam at a particular plane transverse to the beam propagation path. Since there are many types of lasers ultraviolet, visible, infrared, continuous… …   Wikipedia

  • Electron beam lithography — (often abbreviated as e beam lithography) is the practice of scanning a beam of electrons in a patterned fashion across a surface covered with a film (called the resist),cite book |last= McCord |first=M. A. |coauthors=M. J. Rooks |title=… …   Wikipedia

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