external event
Смотреть что такое "external event" в других словарях:
Event condition action — (ECA) is a short cut for referring to the structure of active rules in event driven architecture and database systems. Such a rule did traditionally consist of three parts:* The event part specifies the signal that triggers the invocation of the… … Wikipedia
Event loop — In computer science, the event loop, message dispatcher, message loop, message pump, or run loop is a programming construct that waits for and dispatches events or messages in a program. It works by polling some internal or external event… … Wikipedia
Event planning — is the process of planning a festival, ceremony, competition, party, or convention. Event planning includes budgeting, establishing dates and alternate dates, selecting and reserving the event site, acquiring permits, and coordinating… … Wikipedia
Event Stream Processing — Event Stream Processing, or ESP, is a set of technologies designed to assist the construction of event driven information systems. ESP technologies include event visualization, event databases, event driven middleware, and event processing… … Wikipedia
Event-driven architecture — (EDA) is a software architecture pattern promoting the production, detection, consumption of, and reaction to events. An event can be defined as a significant change in state [K. Mani Chandy Event Driven Applications: Costs, Benefits and Design… … Wikipedia
Event Chain Diagrams — are visualizations that show the relationships between events and tasks and how the events affect each other. Event chain diagram are introduced as a part of Event chain methodology. Event chain methodology is an uncertainty modeling and schedule … Wikipedia
Event generator — Event generators are software libraries that generate simulated high energy particle physics events [ [http://arjournals.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.nucl.55.090704.151505 M. L. Mangano T. J. Stelzer, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 55,… … Wikipedia
Event Horizon (sculpture) — Event Horizon (2007) was a large scale public sculpture project by Anthony Gormley. It consisted of 31 life size male bodies, 27 constructed of fibreglass and four of cast iron [Hayward Gallery exhibition catalogue for Blind Light ] , which have… … Wikipedia
Event Related Optical Signal — (EROS) is a brain scanning technique which uses infrared light through optical fibers to measure changes in optical properties of active areas of the cerebral cortex. Whereas techniques such as diffuse optical imaging (DOT) and near infrared… … Wikipedia
Event (computing) — In computing an event is an action that is usually initiated outside the scope of a program and that is handled by a piece of code inside the program. Typically events are handled synchronous with the program flow, that is, the program has one or … Wikipedia
Event partitioning — The goal of event partitioning is to be an easy to apply systems analysis technique for turning large systems into a collection of smaller, simpler, minimally connected, easier to understand ‘mini systems’ / use cases. The approach is explained… … Wikipedia