- extension board
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
extension board — plėtotės plokštė statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Plokštė, kurioje sumontuotas įtaisas, papildantis kompiuterio funkcijas, pavyzdžiui, papildomas operatyviosios atminties blokas, modemas. Jungiama prie kompiuterio magistralės.… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Extensión de la Línea 7 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La extensión de la línea 7 Programa de Rezonamiento y Desarrollo del Hudson Yards es el plan de la Autoridad de Transito Metropolitano (MTA) de Nueva York para extender la línea Flushing, que transporta el servicio 7 … Wikipedia Español
board — {{11}}board (n.1) O.E. bord a plank, flat surface, from P.Gmc. *burdam (Cf. O.N. borð plank, Du. bord board, Goth. fotu baurd foot stool, Ger. Brett plank ), from PIE *bhrdh board, from root … Etymology dictionary
expansion board — plėtotės plokštė statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Plokštė, kurioje sumontuotas įtaisas, papildantis kompiuterio funkcijas, pavyzdžiui, papildomas operatyviosios atminties blokas, modemas. Jungiama prie kompiuterio magistralės.… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Society, The Catholic Church Extension — • The first active agitation for a church extension or home mission society for the Catholic Church in North America was begun in 1904 by an article of the present writer, published in the American Ecclesiastical Review (Philadelphia) Catholic… … Catholic encyclopedia
The Catholic Church Extension Society — The Catholic Church Extension Society † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Catholic Church Extension Society IN THE UNITED STATES The first active agitation for a church extension or home mission society for the Catholic Church in North… … Catholic encyclopedia
Particle board — For the alternative to plywood, see Oriented Strand Board. Particleboard with veneer µCT flight through a piece of particle board. View lateral, resol … Wikipedia
Wii Balance Board — Infobox VG system title = Wii Balance Board caption = The Wii Balance Board attached to a Wii Fit demo at the Leipzig Games Convention in August 2007. manufacturer = Nintendo type = Video game controller Predecessor =Wii generation = Seventh… … Wikipedia
Civilization (board game) — 2nd US version of Civilization Players 2 7 Age range Recommended for 12 years or older. Setup time 15 minutes … Wikipedia
Switch board (framework) — Switch Board is a MVC framework written for PHP. Its original concepts were taken from a preexisting ColdFusion/PHP framework called Fusebox. Its evolution through development has greatly changed its structure to have very little resemblance to… … Wikipedia
Rubber Board — The Rubber Board is a statutory body constituted by the Government of India, under the Rubber Act 1947, for the overall development of the rubber industry in the country. Rubber Research Institute of India The Rubber Research Institute of India… … Wikipedia