- expansion tank
1) расширительный бачок2) нефт. расширительный резервуар3) расширительная цистерна (на танкере)4) расширитель (для масла в трансформаторе)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Expansion tank — An expansion tank is a small tank used in closed water heating systems and domestic hot water systems to absorb excess water pressure. Excess pressure can be caused by thermal expansion as water is heated, or by water hammer. The expansion tank… … Wikipedia
expansion tank — išsiplėtimo indas statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Indas, kuriame plečiasi šildymo sistemos skystis kintant jo temperatūrai. atitikmenys: angl. expansion tank; expansion vessel vok. Expansionsbehälter, m; Expansionsgefäß, n rus.… … Aiškinamasis šiluminės ir branduolinės technikos terminų žodynas
expansion tank — When the engine is heated, the coolant expands to fill any available space (usually in the radiator). Before the introduction of coolant expansion tanks, the excess coolant was forced out of a vent tube and on the ground. The expansion tank… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Expansion Tank — A tank used in a closed loop solar heating system that provides space for the expansion of the heat transfer fluid in the pressurized collector loop … Energy terms
Expansion vessel — An expansion vessel is a metal container divided in two by a rubber diaphragm. One side is connected to the pipe work of the heating system and therefore contains water. The other, the dry side, contains air under pressure and you will find a car … Wikipedia
tank — A container into which any liquid or gas can be held. Also it may even be empty such as a vacuum tank. See acetylene tank air tank anodizing tank ballast tank bottom tank cylinder deep tank electropaint tank … Dictionary of automotive terms
expansion vessel — išsiplėtimo indas statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Indas, kuriame plečiasi šildymo sistemos skystis kintant jo temperatūrai. atitikmenys: angl. expansion tank; expansion vessel vok. Expansionsbehälter, m; Expansionsgefäß, n rus.… … Aiškinamasis šiluminės ir branduolinės technikos terminų žodynas
Tank a lait — Tank à lait Dans le domaine de l élevage laitier, anglicisme tank à lait ou réservoir à lait désigne le réservoir ou la cuve réfrigérateur du lait issu de la traite des animaux permettant de stocker et conserver celui ci à une température… … Wikipédia en Français
Tank (computer gaming) — In gaming jargon, a tank is a player or unit designated to protect weaker players or units in combat by drawing enemy attacks and absorbing damage. Compared to other units, tanks have a high damage tolerance and specialize in melee combat. The… … Wikipedia
Tank — For other uses, see Tank (disambiguation). Tank A former British Arm … Wikipedia
Tank à lait — Dans le domaine de l élevage laitier, anglicisme tank à lait ou réservoir à lait désigne le réservoir ou la cuve réfrigérateur du lait issu de la traite des animaux permettant de stocker et conserver celui ci à une température ralentissant son… … Wikipédia en Français