existential quantifier

existential quantifier
квантор существования

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "existential quantifier" в других словарях:

  • existential quantifier — egzistavimo kvantorius statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. existential quantifier vok. Existenzquantor, m rus. квантор существования, m pranc. quantifier d existence, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • existential quantifier — noun a logical quantifier of a proposition that asserts the existence of at least one thing for which the proposition is true • Syn: ↑existential operator • Hypernyms: ↑quantifier, ↑logical quantifier …   Useful english dictionary

  • existential quantifier — Logic. a quantifier indicating that the sentential function within its scope is true for at least one value of the variable included in the quantifier. Also called particular quantifier. Cf. universal quantifier. [1935 40] * * * …   Universalium

  • existential quantifier — noun Date: 1936 a quantifier (as for some in “for some x, 2x + 5 = 8”) that asserts that there exists at least one value of a variable called also existential operator …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • existential quantifier — ex′isten′tial quan′tifier n. logic pho a quantifier indicating that the sentential function within its scope is true for at least one value of the variable included in the quantifier • Etymology: 1935–40 …   From formal English to slang

  • existential quantifier — noun The operator, represented by the symbol ∃, used in predicate calculus to indicate that a predicate is true for at least one member of a specified set. Some verbal equivalents are there exists or there is . See Also: universal quantifier …   Wiktionary

  • existential quantifier — See quantifier, variable …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Quantifier elimination — is a technique in mathematical logic, model theory, and theoretical computer science.We say that a given theory has quantifier elimination if for every sentence with quantification there exists an equivalent (modulo the theory) sentence without… …   Wikipedia

  • Existential quantification — In predicate logic, an existential quantification is the predication [The term predication in grammar means the predicate of a sentence which refers to subject and is an adverb or adjective, or equivalent, that describes an attribute of the… …   Wikipedia

  • quantifier — Informally, a quantifier is an expression that reports a quantity of times that a predicate is satisfied in some class of things (i.e. in a ‘domain’). Thus, thinking about a class of children and their diets, one might report that some eat cake,… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • existential operator — noun a logical quantifier of a proposition that asserts the existence of at least one thing for which the proposition is true • Syn: ↑existential quantifier • Hypernyms: ↑quantifier, ↑logical quantifier * * * noun or existentia …   Useful english dictionary

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