- evaporative loss
1) потери на испарение2) потери (топлива) испарением
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
biosphere — biospheric /buy euh sfer ik/, adj. /buy euh sfear /, n. 1. the part of the earth s crust, waters, and atmosphere that supports life. 2. the ecosystem comprising the entire earth and the living organisms that inhabit it. [1895 1900; < G Biosphäre; … Universalium
Physical oceanography — World ocean bathymetry. Physical oceanography is the study of physical conditions and physical processes within the ocean, especially the motions and physical properties of ocean waters. Physical oceanography is one of several sub domains into… … Wikipedia
coloration — colorational, adj. colorationally, adv. /kul euh ray sheuhn/, n. appearance with regard to color arrangement or use of colors; coloring: the bold coloration of some birds. [1605 15; COLOR + ATION] * * * ▪ biology Introduction in biology,… … Universalium
lake — lake1 /layk/, n. 1. a body of fresh or salt water of considerable size, surrounded by land. 2. any similar body or pool of other liquid, as oil. 3. (go) jump in the lake, (used as an exclamation of dismissal or impatience.) [bef. 1000; ME lak(e) … Universalium
Lake — /layk/, n. Simon, 1866 1945, U.S. engineer and naval architect. * * * I Relatively large body of slow moving or standing water that occupies an inland basin. Lakes are most abundant in high northern latitudes and in mountain regions, particularly … Universalium
Messinian salinity crisis — Events of the Cenozoic view • discuss • … Wikipedia
Merriam's Kangaroo Rat — Dipodomys merriami Merriam s Kangaroo Rat Conservation status Least Con … Wikipedia
Nitrogen — carbon ← nitrogen → oxygen ↑ N ↓ P … Wikipedia
Heat transfer — is a discipline of thermal engineering that concerns the exchange of thermal energy from one physical system to another. Heat transfer is classified into various mechanisms, such as heat conduction, convection, thermal radiation, and phase change … Wikipedia
Cooling tower — Natural draft wet cooling hyperboloid towers at Didcot Power Station, UK … Wikipedia
Crystallization — Crystallizing and Crystallized redirect here. For the action adventure video game, see Crystalis. For the 2009 song by The xx, see Crystalised. For other uses, see Crystallization (disambiguation). Crystallization … Wikipedia