- evacuation system
откачная система
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Marine Evacuation System — Ein Marine Evacuation System (MES, dt.: Schiffsevakuierungssystem[1]) besteht aus einer aufblasbaren Rettungsrutsche oder einem Rettungsschlauch, die mit einem aufblasbaren Rettungsfloß verbunden ist. So können die Personen direkt von der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
aeromedical evacuation system — medicininės evakuacijos orlaiviais sistema statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Visuma veiksmų, susijusių su: a. ligonių (sužeistųjų) skraidinimo oro transportu valdymu; b. medikų ir medicininės įrangos, reikalingos skrydžio metu, parūpinimu; c.… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Evacuation process simulation — Evacuation simulation is a method to determine evacuation times for areas, buildings, or vessels. It is based on the simulation of crowd dynamics and pedestrian motion.The distinction between buildings, ships, and vessels on the one hand and… … Wikipedia
aeromedical evacuation system — A system that provides: a. control of patient movement by air transport; b. specialized medical aircrew, medical crew augmentees, and specialty medical attendants and equipment for inflight medical care; c. facilities on or in the vicinity of air … Military dictionary
Marine evacuation system — A Marine Evacuation Systems (MES) is a lifesaving device found on many modern passenger ships consisting of an inflatable slide or chute where passenger can evacuate straight into waiting life rafts. MES s are common on high speed craft, where… … Wikipedia
aeromedical evacuation system — A system that provides control of movement of patients by air transport, specialized attendants for in flight medical care, facilitation for medical care of in transit patients, and communication with medical facilities regarding patient airlift… … Aviation dictionary
Evacuation slide — An evacuation slide is an inflatable slide used to evacuate an aircraft quickly. An escape slide is required on all commercial (passenger carrying) aircraft where the door sill height is such that, in the event of an evacuation, passengers would… … Wikipedia
evacuation — Removal of air (gas) and moisture from a refrigeration or air conditioning system … Dictionary of automotive terms
43d Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron — The 43d Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron is a unit of the 43d Operations Group, 43d Airlift Wing at Pope AFB, North Carolina. It is a component of Eighteenth Air Force and Air Mobility Command of the United States Air Force, and is part of the air … Wikipedia
Aeromedical Evacuation — (AE) usually refers to specialized medical transportation units in the US Air Force. Within the US Air Force, AE is coordinated by Air Mobility Command located at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. There are four active duty AE squadrons in the USAF … Wikipedia
Special Needs Evacuation Tracking System — The Texas Special Needs Evacuation Tracking System (SNETS) is a tracking system for emergency evacuees developed by AT T for the state of Texas. [Citation title = AT T to Deliver Country s First Statewide Citizen Evacuation Management System date … Wikipedia