evacuated vessel

evacuated vessel
вакуумная камера

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "evacuated vessel" в других словарях:

  • Evacuated — Evacuate E*vac u*ate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Evacuated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Evacuating}.] [l. evacuatus, p. p. of evacuare to empty, nullify; e out + vacuus empty, vacare to be empty. See {Vacate}.] 1. To make empty; to empty out; to remove the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dewar vessel — a container with an evacuated space between two walls that are highly reflective, capable of maintaining its contents at a near constant temperature over relatively long periods of time; thermos. Also called Dewar, Dewar flask. [1900 05; named… …   Universalium

  • dewar vessel — noun see dewar * * * a container with an evacuated space between two walls that are highly reflective, capable of maintaining its contents at a near constant temperature over relatively long periods of time; thermos. Also called Dewar, Dewar… …   Useful english dictionary

  • chemistry — /kem euh stree/, n., pl. chemistries. 1. the science that deals with the composition and properties of substances and various elementary forms of matter. Cf. element (def. 2). 2. chemical properties, reactions, phenomena, etc.: the chemistry of… …   Universalium

  • Sprengel pump — The supply of mercury is contained in the reservoir on the left. It flows over into the bulb B, where it falls in drops into the long tube on the right. These drops entrap between them the air in B. The mercury which runs out is collected and… …   Wikipedia

  • Gas bubbler — A simple gas bubbler containing silicone oil An gas bubbler is a piece of laboratory glassware which consists of a glass bulb filled with a small amount of fluid usually mineral or silicone oil, less commonly mercury. The inlet to the bulb is… …   Wikipedia

  • getter — n. & v. n. 1 in senses of GET v. 2 Physics a substance used to remove residual gas from an evacuated vessel. v.tr. Physics remove (gas) or evacuate (a vessel) with a getter …   Useful english dictionary

  • Crystal bar process — An apparatus used for the crystal bar process. The main body is made of quartz glass. (1) to vacuum pump, (2) 6 mm molybdenum electrode, (3) molybdenum net, (4) chamber for the raw metal, (5) tungsten wire The crystal bar process (also known as… …   Wikipedia

  • Audion — Das Audion ist ein Rundfunk Geradeausempfänger und oft ein Einkreiser. Lee De Forest, der Erfinder des Audions, bildete das Wort aus dem lateinischen Wort audio, ich höre. 1907 patentierte De Forest die Audionröhre und die Audionschaltung.[1] Ab… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lee De Forest — (* 26. August 1873 in Council Bluffs, Iowa; † 30. Juni 1961 in Hollywood, Kalifornien) war ein US amerikanischer Erfinder. Es wurden über 300 Patente auf seinen Namen ausgestellt. De Forest erfand die gasgefüllte …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • implosion — 1. A sudden collapse, as of an evacuated vessel, in which there is a bursting inward rather than outward as in an explosion. 2. A type of behavior therapy, similar to flooding, during which the patient is given massive exposure to extreme anxiety …   Medical dictionary

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