- Euler number
число Эйлера
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Euler number — For other uses, see Euler number (topology) and Eulerian number. Also see e (mathematical constant),Euler number (physics) and Euler–Mascheroni constant. In mathematics, in the area of number theory, the Euler numbers are a sequence En of… … Wikipedia
Euler number — Eulerio skaičius statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Skaičius, apibūdinantis nagrinėjamojo srauto ruožo energijos nuostolių ir srauto kinetinės energijos santykį. atitikmenys: angl. Euler number vok. Eulerzahl, f rus. число Эйлера, n pranc.… … Aiškinamasis šiluminės ir branduolinės technikos terminų žodynas
Euler number (physics) — The Euler number is a dimensionless number used in fluid flow calculations. It expresses the relationship between a local pressure drop e.g. over a restriction and the kinetic energy per volume, and is used to characterize losses in the flow.It… … Wikipedia
Euler number — Смотри число Эйлера (Eu) … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
Euler–Mascheroni constant — Euler s constant redirects here. For the base of the natural logarithm, e ≈ 2.718..., see e (mathematical constant). The area of the blue region is equal to the Euler–Mascheroni constant. List of numbers – Irrational and suspected irrational… … Wikipedia
Euler's factorization method — is a method of factorization based upon representing a positive integer N as the sum of two squares in two different ways :N = a^2+ b^2 = c^2+ d^2 (1)Although the algebraic factorization of binomial numbers cannot factor sums of two squares… … Wikipedia
Euler-Dreieck — Euler Zahlen als Koeffizienten von Euler Polynomen Die nach Leonhard Euler benannte Euler Zahl An,k in der Kombinatorik, auch geschrieben als E(n,k) oder , gibt die Anzahl der Permutationen (Anordnungen) von 1, …, n an, in denen genau k Elemente… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Euler's equation of degree four — is a mathematical problem proposed by Leonhard Euler in 1772. [ [http://www.upi.com/NewsTrack/Science/2008/03/19/eulers equation of degree four solved/8804/ Euler s equation of degree four solved UPI.com ] ] The problem, which deals with number… … Wikipedia
Euler's rule — Euler s rule, named after Leonhard Euler, is a generalization of Thâbit ibn Kurrah rule for finding amicable numbers. If a = 2 m ×(2 n − m + 1) − 1, b = 2 n ×(2 n − m + 1) − 1, and c = 2 n + m ×(2 n − m + 1)2 − 1 are all prime, for integers 0 < m … Wikipedia
Euler (software) — Euler (nowadays Euler Mathematical Toolbox or EuMathT for short) is a free and open source numerical software package. It contains a matrix language, a graphical notebook style interface, and a plot window. It can handle real, complex and… … Wikipedia
Euler's Day Off (game) — Euler s Day Off is a letter rearrangement word game.Objective of the gameThe object of the game is to arrange twenty five randomly selected letters in a five by five grid to form as many vertical and horizontal words as possible.coringPlayers… … Wikipedia