- escape route
маршрут эвакуации (из воздушного судна в случае пожара или аварийной ситуации)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
escape route — See evasion and escape route … Military dictionary
escape route — way by which one can escape … English contemporary dictionary
escape route — Animals that tunnel in the soil have to have an escape root … English expressions
Route Twisk — (zh tspcy|t=荃錦公路|s=荃锦公路|p=Quánjǐn gōnglù|cy=chyun4 gam2 gung1 lou6) is a dual lane suburban road in Hong Kong, linking Tsuen Wan and Pat Heung via Shek Kong. It joins Kam Tin Road and Lam Kam Road north in Kam Tin, and ends in the Tsuen Kam… … Wikipedia
escape — [[t]ɪske͟ɪp[/t]] ♦♦ escapes, escaping, escaped 1) VERB: no passive If you escape from a place, you succeed in getting away from it. [V from n] A prisoner has escaped from a jail in northern England... [V to n] They are reported to have escaped to … English dictionary
escape — es|cape1 [ ı skeıp ] verb *** ▸ 1 get away from something bad ▸ 2 avoid something unpleasant ▸ 3 come out by accident ▸ 4 not remember/notice ▸ 5 go away on vacation ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) intransitive to get away from a place where you are in danger:… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
escape — I UK [ɪˈskeɪp] / US verb Word forms escape : present tense I/you/we/they escape he/she/it escapes present participle escaping past tense escaped past participle escaped *** 1) [intransitive] to get away from a place where you are in danger Three… … English dictionary
escape — es|cape1 W2S3 [ıˈskeıp] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(person/place)¦ 2¦(danger)¦ 3¦(avoid)¦ 4¦(gas/liquid etc)¦ 5¦(sound)¦ 6 escape somebody s attention/notice 7 the name/date/title etc escapes somebody 8 there s no escaping (the fact) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1200 1300; … Dictionary of contemporary English
escape hatch — Synonyms and related words: alternative, back door, back stairs, back way, bolt hole, boundary condition, catch, choice, clause, condition, covert way, donnee, ejection seat, emergency exit, escalator clause, escalier derobe, escape clause,… … Moby Thesaurus
Escape tunnel — An escape tunnel is a form of secret passage used as part of an escape from siege or captivity. In medieval times such tunnels are usually constructed by the builders of castles or palaces who wish to have an escape route if their domain is under … Wikipedia
escape — escapable, adj. escapeless, adj. escaper, n. escapingly, adv. /i skayp /, v., escaped, escaping, n., adj. v.i. 1. to slip or get away, as from confinement or restraint; gain or regain liberty: to escape from jail. 2. to slip away from pursuit or… … Universalium