environmental tolerance

environmental tolerance
устойчивость к воздействию окружающей среды

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "environmental tolerance" в других словарях:

  • Environmental tests — are used to verify a piece of equipment can withstand the rigors of harsh environments, for example:* extremely high and low temperatures * large, swift variations in temperature * blown and settling sand and dust * salt spray and salt fog * very …   Wikipedia

  • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES — „ The Holy Blessed One took the first human, and passing before all the „ trees of the Garden of Eden, said, See my works, how fine and „ excellent they are! All that I created, I created for you. Reflect on „ this, and do not corrupt or desolate …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Environmental threats to the Great Barrier Reef — The Great Barrier Reef is the world s largest coral reef system,cite web|author=UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre |year=1980|title=Protected Areas and World Heritage Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area|url=http://sea.unep… …   Wikipedia

  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) — The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established in December 1970 under United States President Richard Nixon. The EPA is an agency of the United States federal government whose mission is to protect human and environmental health.… …   Investment dictionary

  • tolerance — noun Date: 15th century 1. capacity to endure pain or hardship ; endurance, fortitude, stamina 2. a. sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one s own b. the act of allowing something ; toleration 3. the …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Zero tolerance — policies are studied in criminology and are common in formal and informal policing systems around the world.Fact|date=December 2007 The policies also appear in informal situations where there may be sexual harassment or Internet misuse in… …   Wikipedia

  • Crime prevention through environmental design — Criminology and penology Theories Causes and correlates of crime Anomie Differential association theory Deviance …   Wikipedia

  • Desiccation tolerance — refers to the ability of an organism to withstand or endure extreme dryness, or drought like conditions. Plants and animals living in arid or periodically arid environments such as temporary streams or ponds may face the challenge of desiccation …   Wikipedia

  • Drug tolerance — Physiological tolerance or drug tolerance is commonly encountered in pharmacology, when a subject s reaction to a drug (such as an opiate painkiller, benzodiazepine or other psychotropic drug) is reduced at a later time even though the dose or… …   Wikipedia

  • Drought tolerance — Sedum is a drought tolerant plant whose specific adaptations include succulence and a waxy surface on its leaves and stems. Drought tolerance refers to the degree to which a plant is adapted to arid or drought conditions. Desiccation tolerance is …   Wikipedia

  • Physiological tolerance — In physiology, tolerance occurs when an organism builds up a resistance to the effects of a substance after repeated exposure. This can occur with environmental substances such as salt or pesticides. It is also commonly encountered in… …   Wikipedia

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