environmental radioactivity

environmental radioactivity
радиоактивность окружающей среды

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "environmental radioactivity" в других словарях:

  • Environmental radioactivity — is produced by radioactive materials in the human environment. While some radioisotopes, such as strontium 90 (90Sr) and technetium 99 (99Tc), are only found on Earth as a result of human activity, and some, like potassium 40 (40K), are only… …   Wikipedia

  • Environmental impact of shipping — A cargo ship discharging ballast water into the sea. The environmental impact of shipping includes greenhouse gas emissions and oil pollution. Carbon dioxide emissions from shipping is currently estimated at 4 to 5 percent of the global total,… …   Wikipedia

  • Environmental impact of nuclear power — Nuclear power activities involving the environment; mining, enrichment, generation and geological disposal. The environmental impact of nuclear power results from the nuclear fuel cycle, operation, and the effects of nuclear accidents. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Environmental Measurements Laboratory — The Environmental Measurements Laboratory (EML), a United States government owned, government operated laboratory, is part of the Science and Technology (S T) Directorate of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). A descendant of the Manhattan …   Wikipedia

  • Environmental effects of nuclear power — Nuclear power, as with all power sources, has an effect on the environment through the nuclear fuel cycle, through operation, and (in Europe) from the lingering effects of the Chernobyl accident.Waste heatAs with any thermal power station,… …   Wikipedia

  • radioactivity — /ray dee oh ak tiv i tee/, n. Physics, Chem. the phenomenon, exhibited by and being a property of certain elements, of spontaneously emitting radiation resulting from changes in the nuclei of atoms of the element. Also called activity. [1895… …   Universalium

  • Environmental concerns with electricity generation — Modern technology uses large amounts of electrical power. This is normally generated at power plants which convert some other kind of energy into electrical power. Each such system has advantages and disadvantages, but many of them pose… …   Wikipedia

  • Environmental Protection Act 1990 — Infobox UK Legislation short title=Environmental Protection Act 1990 parliament=Parliament of the United Kingdom long title=An Act to make provision for the improved control of pollution arising from certain industrial and other processes; to re… …   Wikipedia

  • Environmental issues in Kazakhstan — There are a number of environmental issues in Kazakhstan, in large part due to its years under the Soviet Union. Partly because of the country s enormous semi arid steppe, the Soviet government used Kazakhstan as its nuclear testing site. Along… …   Wikipedia

  • Chernobyl compared to other radioactivity releases — This article compares the radioactivity release and decay from the Chernobyl disaster with various other events which involved a release of uncontrolled radioactivity. Contents 1 Chernobyl compared to background radiation 2 Chernobyl compared… …   Wikipedia

  • Freshwater environmental quality parameters — are the natural and man made chemical, biological and microbiological characteristics of rivers, lakes and ground waters, the ways they are measured and the ways that they change. The values or concentrations attributed to such parameters can be… …   Wikipedia

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