- environmental conditions
условия окружающей среды, окружающие условия; внешние условия
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
environmental conditions — index climate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
environmental conditions — aplinkos sąlygos statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. ambient conditions; environmental conditions vok. Umgebungsbedingungen, f; Umweltbedingungen, f rus. внешние условия, n; окружающие условия, n; условия окружающей среды, n pranc.… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
environmental conditions — state of the environment (weather, topography, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary
good agricultural and environmental conditions — geros agrarinės ir aplinkosaugos būklės reikalavimai statusas Aprobuotas sritis parama žemės ūkiui apibrėžtis Reikalavimai, nustatyti Žemės ūkio naudmenų geros agrarinės ir aplinkosaugos būklės reikalavimų apraše, patvirtintame Lietuvos… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Environmental sociology — is typically defined as the sociological study of societal environmental interactions, although this definition immediately presents the perhaps insolvable problem of separating human cultures from the rest of the environment. Although the focus… … Wikipedia
Environmental migrant — refers to the people who are purportedly forced to migrate from or flee their home region due to sudden or long term changes to their local environment, which is held to include increased droughts, desertification, sea level rise, and disruption… … Wikipedia
Environmental psychology — is an interdisciplinary field focused on the interplay between humans and their surroundings. The field defines the term environment very broadly including all that is natural on the planet as well as social settings, built environments, learning … Wikipedia
Environmental terrorism — is the unlawful destruction of resources in order to deprive others of its use.HistoryIn recent years, individuals and governments have become concerned about the possible increased threat of terrorism in new and dangerous forms. Yet traditional… … Wikipedia
Environmental stress cracking — (ESC) is one of the most common causes of unexpected brittle failure of thermoplastic (especially amorphous) polymers known at present. Environmental stress cracking may account for around 15 30% of all plastic component failures in service.H. F … Wikipedia
Environmental science — is the study of interactions among physical, chemical, and biological components of the environment. Environmental Science provides an integrated, quantitative, and interdisciplinary approach to the study of environmental systems. [… … Wikipedia
Environmental engineering — [cite book|author=Danny D. Reible|title=Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering |publisher=CRC Publishers|year=1998|id=ISBN 1 56670 047 7] [cite book |author=James R. Mihelcic, Martin T. Auer, and others |title=Fundamentals of Environmental… … Wikipedia