- enthalpy balance
баланс энтальпий
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Enthalpy — Thermodynamics … Wikipedia
Detailed balance — The principle of detailed balance is formulated for kinetic systems which are decomposed into elementary processes (collisions, or steps, or elementary reactions): At equilibrium, each elementary process should be equilibrated by its reverse… … Wikipedia
Spray forming — Spray forming, also known as spray casting, spray deposition[1] and in situ compaction,[2] is a method of casting near net shape metal components with homogeneous microstructures via the deposition of semi solid sprayed droplets onto a shaped… … Wikipedia
баланс энтальпий — — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN enthalpy balance … Справочник технического переводчика
Measuring instrument — Captain Nemo and Professor Aronnax contemplating measuring instruments in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea … Wikipedia
Entropy — This article is about entropy in thermodynamics. For entropy in information theory, see Entropy (information theory). For a comparison of entropy in information theory with entropy in thermodynamics, see Entropy in thermodynamics and information… … Wikipedia
Calorimeter — This article is about heat measuring devices. For particle detectors, see Calorimeter (particle physics). The world’s first ice calorimeter, used in the winter of 1782 83, by Antoine Lavoisier and Pierre Simon Laplace, to determine the heat… … Wikipedia
Glossary of fuel cell terms — The Glossary of fuel cell terms lists the definitions of many terms used within the fuel cell industry. The terms in this glossary may be used by fuel cell industry associations, in education material and fuel cell codes and standards to name but … Wikipedia
Thermodynamics — Annotated color version of the original 1824 Carnot heat engine showing the hot body (boiler), working body (system, steam), and cold body (water), the letters labeled according to the stopping points in Carnot cycle … Wikipedia
thermodynamics — thermodynamicist, n. /therr moh duy nam iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) the science concerned with the relations between heat and mechanical energy or work, and the conversion of one into the other: modern thermodynamics deals with the properties … Universalium
Solubility — Soluble redirects here. For the algebraic object called a soluble group , see Solvable group. Solubility is the property of a solid, liquid, or gaseous chemical substance called solute to dissolve in a solid, liquid, or gaseous solvent to form a… … Wikipedia