- amber mutation
амбер-мутация (приводящая к образованию стоп-кодона UAG в мРНК и вызывающая остановку биосинтеза полипептида)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
amber mutation — amber mutation. См. янтарь мутация. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
amber mutation — see nonsense m … Medical dictionary
Amber-Mutationen — [ æmbə , englisch], Genetik: Punktmutationen (Mutation) in einem Triplett oder Rasterverschiebungsmutationen, durch die das Amber Codon entsteht … Universal-Lexikon
Mutation — A permanent change, a structural alteration, in the DNA or RNA. In humans and many other organisms, mutations occur in DNA. However, in retroviruses like HIV, mutations occur in RNA which is the genetic material of retroviruses. In most cases,… … Medical dictionary
Amber (The Tribe) — The Tribe character| bgcolor=#00f fgcolor=#fff name = Amber/Eagle gender = Female age = 14 (series 1) 18 (series 5) tribe = Mall Rats Ecos/Gaians family = Bray Jr/Baby Bray (son) relationships = Sasha Bray Jay episode = 190Amber ( aka Eagle),… … Wikipedia
ocher mutation — o cher mu tation n. [A humorous variation on the term {amber mutation}.] (Microbiology, Molecular biology) A mutation in which the base sequence of one of the codons in the messenger RNA has been converted to UAA. Such a mutation may be… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
suppressor mutation — A mutation that reverses the effect of an earlier mutation, e.g. a mutation in a gene for a tRNA that permits it to read and override an amber mutation … Glossary of Biotechnology
suppressor mutation — Mutation that alleviates the effect of a primary mutation at a different locus. May be through almost any mechanism that can give a primary mutation, but perhaps the most interesting class are the amber and ochre supressors, where the anticodon… … Dictionary of molecular biology
Chittenango ovate amber snail — Drawing of … Wikipedia
Merlin (The Chronicles of Amber) — Merlin is the narrator and main character in the second half of the Chronicles of Amber by American science fiction author Roger Zelazny. He is an incidental character in the first half of the series, eventually being revealed to be the listener… … Wikipedia
Nonsense mutation — A mutation (a change) in a base in the DNA that prematurely stops the translation (reading) of messenger RNA (mRNA) resulting in a polypeptide chain that ends prematurely and a protein product that is truncated (abbreviated) and incomplete and… … Medical dictionary