engineering hydraulics

engineering hydraulics
машиностроительный гидропривод

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "engineering hydraulics" в других словарях:

  • Hydraulics — Hy*drau lics, n. [Cf. F. hydraulique.] That branch of science, or of engineering, which treats of fluids in motion, especially of water, its action in rivers and canals, the works and machinery for conducting or raising it, its use as a prime… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Engineering vehicle — Engineering vehicles, known by the other terms: construction equipment, earth movers, heavy equipment or just plain equipment, are machines, specifically designed to execute civil engineering and construction engineering tasks. The scope of the… …   Wikipedia

  • hydraulics — [hī drô′liks, hīdrä′liks] n. the branch of physics having to do with the mechanical properties of water and other liquids in motion and with the application of these properties in engineering …   English World dictionary

  • Hydraulics — For the mechanical technology, see hydraulic machinery. For the United States Navy ship, see USS Hydraulic (SP 2584). Hydraulics and other studies[1] Hydraulics is a topic in applied science and …   Wikipedia

  • engineering — /en jeuh near ing/, n. 1. the art or science of making practical application of the knowledge of pure sciences, as physics or chemistry, as in the construction of engines, bridges, buildings, mines, ships, and chemical plants. 2. the action, work …   Universalium

  • hydraulics — /huy draw liks, drol iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) the science that deals with the laws governing water or other liquids in motion and their applications in engineering; practical or applied hydrodynamics. [1665 75; see HYDRAULIC, ICS] * * *… …   Universalium

  • Engineering — The Watt steam engine, a major driver in the Industrial Revolution, underscores the importance of engineering in modern history. This model is on display at the main building of the ETSIIM in Madrid, Spain. Engineering is the discipline, art,… …   Wikipedia

  • hydraulics — noun a) The engineering science that deals with practical applications where liquid is in motion and transmits energy. b) The hydraulic system of a vehicle or other machine …   Wiktionary

  • hydraulics — hy•drau•lics [[t]haɪˈdrɔ lɪks, ˈdrɒl ɪks[/t]] n. (used with a sing. v.) hyd the science that deals with the laws governing water or other liquids in motion and their applications in engineering; practical or applied hydrodynamics • Etymology:… …   From formal English to slang

  • hydraulics — /haɪˈdrɒlɪks / (say huy droliks) noun the science that deals with the laws governing water or other liquids in motion and their applications in engineering; practical or applied hydrodynamics. {plural of hydraulic. See ics} …  

  • College of Engineering, Trivandrum — Coordinates: 8°32′45″N 76°54′22.5″E / 8.54583°N 76.90625°E / 8.54583; 76.90625 …   Wikipedia

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