amateur band
Смотреть что такое "amateur band" в других словарях:
amateur band — radijo mėgėjų diapazonas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. amateur band vok. Amateurband, n rus. диапазон радиолюбителей, m pranc. bande réservée aux amateurs, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
amateur band — noun : one of the bands of frequencies used by radio amateurs for communication … Useful english dictionary
band — Synonyms and related words: Ace bandage, Band Aid, Bund, German band, Mystik tape, Philharmonic, Rochdale cooperative, Scotch tape, accouple, accumulate, act in concert, act together, adhesive tape, affiliate, age group, agglutinate, alliance,… … Moby Thesaurus
band — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. strip, stripe, filament; brassard; belt, strap; group, crowd; orchestra, brass or military band. See assemblage, music. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A beltlike strip] Syn. ribbon, belt, line, strip, tape,… … English dictionary for students
Amateur radio frequency allocations — Amateur radio frequency allocation is done by national telecommunications authorities. Globally, the ITU oversees how much radio spectrum is set aside for amateur radio transmissions. Radio amateurs use a variety of transmission modes, including… … Wikipedia
Amateur Station Operator's Certificate — or ASOC is the examination that needs to be passed to receive an amateur radio licence in India. The exam is conducted by the Wireless and Planning and Coordination Wing (WPC) of the Ministry of the Ministry of Communications and Information… … Wikipedia
Amateur radio frequency bands in India — Amateur radio or ham radio is a hobby that is practised by over 16,000 licenced users in India.cite news|url=|title=Government to promote amateur radio|last=Ramchandran|first=Ramesh|date=2005 … Wikipedia
Amateur Radio Emergency Communications — (AREC), formerly the Amateur Radio Emergency Corps , is a service provided by the New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters (NZART) which provides trained radio communicators and communication systems for emergency situations.Mission… … Wikipedia
Amateur radio — Amateur radio, often called ham radio, is both a hobby and a service in which participants, called hams, use various types of radio communications equipment to communicate with other radio amateurs for public service, recreation and self training … Wikipedia
Amateur radio mobile operation — refers to the use of amateur radio equipment from a moving vehicle. An amateur radio transceiver designed specifically for use in vehicles is usually mounted with the microphone and control panel in reach of the driver. In the United States, such … Wikipedia
Amateur Transplants — are a London based, British parody musical duo consisting of medical professionals, Dr. Adam Kay and Dr. Suman Biswas. Music and biographyTheir music consists mainly of parody comic songs mostly dealing with medical subjects. Many of their… … Wikipedia