energy surface

energy surface
потенциальный рельеф

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "energy surface" в других словарях:

  • Potential energy surface — A potential energy surface is generally used within the adiabatic or Born–Oppenheimer approximation in quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics to model chemical reactions and interactions in simple chemical and physical systems. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Constant energy surface — In a Brillouin zone, the constant energy surface represents the loci of all the vec{k} points (that is, all the crystal momentum values) that have the same energy. Fermi surface is a special constant energy surface that separates the unfilled… …   Wikipedia

  • Constant-energy surface — In a Brillouin zone, the constant energy surface represents the loci of all the points (that is, all the crystal momentum values) that have the same energy. Fermi surface is a special constant energy surface that separates the unfilled orbitals… …   Wikipedia

  • high-energy surface —  High Energy Surface  Высокоэнергетическая поверхность   Условная классификация, указывающая на то, что поверхность имеет относительно высокую свободную поверхностную энергию; обычно – это ионные кристаллы или материалы, образованные ковалентными …   Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.

  • low-energy surface —  Low Energy Surface  Низкоэнергетическая поверхность   Условная классификация, указывающая на то, что поверхность имеет относительно низкую свободную поверхностную энергию; обычно – это материалы, межмолекулярные взаимодействия в которых… …   Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.

  • Surface d'energie potentielle — Surface d énergie potentielle Une surface d énergie potentielle est généralement utilisée dans l approximation adiabatique (ou approximation de Born Oppenheimer) en mécanique quantique et mécanique statistique afin de modéliser les réactions… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Surface mine —   A coal producing mine that is usually within a few hundred feet of the surface. Earth above or around the coal (overburden) is removed to expose the coalbed, which is then mined with surface excavation equipment, such as draglines, powers… …   Energy terms

  • Surface mining methods —   Auger mining recovers coal through the use of a large diameter drill driven into a coalbed in the side of a surface mine pit. It usually follows contour surface mining, particularly when the overburden is too costly to excavate.   Area mining… …   Energy terms

  • Surface rights —   Fee ownership in surface areas of land. Also used to describe a lessee s right to use as much of the surface of the land as may be reasonably necessary for the conduct of operations under the lease.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information… …   Energy terms

  • Surface mining equipment —   An Auger machine is a large, horizontal drill, generally 3 feet or more in diameter and up to about 100 feet long. It can remove coal at a rate of more than 25 tons per minute.   A bucket wheel excavator is a continuous digging machine equipped …   Energy terms

  • Surface drilling expenses — (uranium)   These include drilling, drilling roads, site preparation, geological and other technical support, sampling, and drill hole logging costs.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary …   Energy terms

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