- end-use test
определение эксплуатационных свойств
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
end-use factor — A test of practicability employed before issuance of a certificate of public convenience and necessity. Anno: 5 L Ed 2d 1004. The ultimate use of the product to be supplied by a utility seeking a certificate of public convenience and necessity… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Test — Test, n. [OE. test test, or cupel, potsherd, F. t[^e]t, from L. testum an earthen vessel; akin to testa a piece of burned clay, an earthen pot, a potsherd, perhaps for tersta, and akin to torrere to patch, terra earth (cf. {Thirst}, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Test act — Test Test, n. [OE. test test, or cupel, potsherd, F. t[^e]t, from L. testum an earthen vessel; akin to testa a piece of burned clay, an earthen pot, a potsherd, perhaps for tersta, and akin to torrere to patch, terra earth (cf. {Thirst}, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Test object — Test Test, n. [OE. test test, or cupel, potsherd, F. t[^e]t, from L. testum an earthen vessel; akin to testa a piece of burned clay, an earthen pot, a potsherd, perhaps for tersta, and akin to torrere to patch, terra earth (cf. {Thirst}, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Test paper — Test Test, n. [OE. test test, or cupel, potsherd, F. t[^e]t, from L. testum an earthen vessel; akin to testa a piece of burned clay, an earthen pot, a potsherd, perhaps for tersta, and akin to torrere to patch, terra earth (cf. {Thirst}, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Test tube — Test Test, n. [OE. test test, or cupel, potsherd, F. t[^e]t, from L. testum an earthen vessel; akin to testa a piece of burned clay, an earthen pot, a potsherd, perhaps for tersta, and akin to torrere to patch, terra earth (cf. {Thirst}, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
test — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a critical examination or trial of a person s or thing s qualities. 2 the means of so examining; a standard for comparison or trial; circumstances suitable for this (success is not a fair test). 3 a minor examination, esp. in… … Useful english dictionary
Test and tagging — is a generic name given to the process of visually inspecting and electrically testing in service electrical equipment for personal use and/or safety. Colloquially, it is also referred to as; tagging, test tag, test and tag, electrical tagging,… … Wikipedia
use — n 1 Use, service, advantage, profit, account, avail can all mean a useful or valuable end, result, or purpose. Use stresses either employment for some purpose or end of practical value {turn every scrap of material to use} or the practical value… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
End-user computing — (EUC) is a group of approaches to computing that aim at better integrating end users into the computing environment or that attempt to realize the potential for high end computing to perform in a trustworthy manner in problem solving of the… … Wikipedia
End-user development — (EUD) is a research topic within the field of computer science, describing activities or techniques that allow people who are not professional developers to create or modify a software artifact. A typical example of EUD is programming to extend… … Wikipedia