
1) конец, окончание, завершение || кончать(ся); заканчивать(ся); завершать(ся) || концевой, конечный
2) край, оконечность; концевая часть; наконечник
3) торец, торцевая поверхность; торцевая стенка
4) крышка; дно; днище (ёмкости) || устанавливать крышку или дно; мн. ч. концы (донышко и крышка жестяной консервной банки)
5) головка (напр. шатуна)
6) разрушение; гибель
7) ребро; лезвие (инструмента)
8) горн. забой (подготовительный)
9) остаток; крайняя фракция (начальная или конечная)
10) мн. ч. основные нити, основа (ткани)
11) мн. ч. лесн. дилены, эндсы
12) матем. предел
end-to-end — встык; впритык
end of brick — тычок
end of core life — конец кампании активной зоны (ядерного реактора)
end of dislocation — выход дислокаций (на поверхность)
end of lock — голова судоходного шлюза
end of message — конец сообщения
end of segment — конец отрезка
abnormal end of task — вчт. аварийное прекращение (выполнения) задания
abutting ends
air end
approach end
back end of fuel cycle
back end
ball end
ballpoint lever end
basic end
batten ends
battered rail end
beet end
belly end
bent ends
big end
bitter end
blind end
blunt end
boot end
bottom end
box end
box pipe end
built-in end
business end
butt end
butted fiber end
cap end
capped end
cast-steel underframe end
charge end
cleared end
cold end
commutator end
conditioning end
connecting rod end
control cable end
corrugated steel end
coupler shank rear end
crop end
crosscut end
cutting end
dead end
deal ends
delivery end
development end
discharge end
dished end
drawing end
drive end
driven end
drop end
dry end
dull ends
egg end
electrode end
entry end
exit end
externally upset end
eye end
far end
feed end
feeder end
female end of pipe
fining end
finishing end
fixed end
flared end
flat-seat nozzle end
front end of the fuel cycle
front end
fully framed end
gable end
gate end
gathering end
graphite end
head end
heavy ends
hinged end
hipped end
hot end
internally upset end
joint end
lapped ends
leading end
lean end of column
light ends
loading end
male end of pipe
melting end
near end
nose end
outlet end
outshore end of breakwater
pin pipe end
piped end
piston ring end
plain pipe end
pointed end
port end
preinsulated terminal end
pusher end
rear end
receiving end
reeling end
reference end
refining end
return end
rod end
roof end
round end
running end
sealed end
seed end
sending end
shank end
shield end
shoreward end of breakwater
shorted end
shouldered end
siding end
sleeper head end
soldered end
spigot end
standing-off end
stub end
sugar end
switch rail end
tail end
terminal end
throw-off end
top end
trailing end
upstream end
valve stem end
warm end
waste end
wear end
wire end
wobbler end
working end

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "end" в других словарях:

  • End- — End …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • end — [end] noun 1. STATISTICS MARKETING top/​bottom end a figure that is at the top or bottom end of a range is high or low in the range of possible figures that were expected: • The results were at the top end of previous market forecasts. 2.… …   Financial and business terms

  • end — end·amebiasis; end·amoeba; end·amoe·bi·dae; end·aortic; end·arterial; end·arteritis; end·ar·te·ri·um; end·er·gon·ic; end·ing; end·less; end·less·ness; end·lich·ite; end·most; end·oral; end·osmometer; end·osmosis; end·osteal; end·osteitis;… …   English syllables

  • End — ([e^]nd), n. [OE. & AS. ende; akin to OS. endi, D. einde, eind, OHG. enti, G. ende, Icel. endir, endi, Sw. [ a]nde, Dan. ende, Goth. andeis, Skr. anta. [root]208. Cf. {Ante }, {Anti }, {Answer}.] 1. The extreme or last point or part of any… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • End on — End End ([e^]nd), n. [OE. & AS. ende; akin to OS. endi, D. einde, eind, OHG. enti, G. ende, Icel. endir, endi, Sw. [ a]nde, Dan. ende, Goth. andeis, Skr. anta. [root]208. Cf. {Ante }, {Anti }, {Answer}.] 1. The extreme or last point or part of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • end — ► NOUN 1) the final part of something. 2) the furthest or most extreme part. 3) a termination of a state or situation: they called for an end to violence. 4) a person s death or downfall. 5) a goal or desired result. 6) a part or share of an… …   English terms dictionary

  • end*/*/*/ — [end] noun [C] I 1) the final part of a period of time We re going on holiday at the end of this month.[/ex] They ll make their decision at the very end of the week.[/ex] The work should be completed by the end of the year.[/ex] 2) the time when… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • end — end1 [end] n. [ME & OE ende, akin to Ger ende, Goth andeis < IE * antyos, opposite, lying ahead < * anti , opposite, facing (< base * ants, front, forehead) < OHG endi, forehead, Ger anti, L ante] 1. a limit or limiting part; point of …   English World dictionary

  • end — O.E. ende end, conclusion, boundary, district, species, class, from P.Gmc. *andja (Cf. O.Fris. enda, O.Du. ende, Du. einde, O.N. endir end; O.H.G. enti top, forehead, end, Ger. ende, Goth. andeis end ), originally the opposite side, from P …   Etymology dictionary

  • end — n 1 *limit, bound, term, confine Analogous words: *extreme, extremity 2 End, termination, ending, terminus are comparable when opposed to beginning or starting point and meaning the point or line beyond which a thing does not or cannot go (as in… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • end — [n1] extreme, limit borderline, bound, boundary, butt end, confine, cusp, deadline, edge, extent, extremity, foot, head, heel, limitation, neb, nib, point, prong, spire, stub, stump, tail, tail end, term, terminal, termination, terminus, tip, top …   New thesaurus

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