- emulsion coating
кфт.1) эмульсионный слой2) полив эмульсии (на подложку)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Emulsion coating — Нанесение эмульсионного слоя на подложку; Слой фотографической эмульсии; эмульсионный слой; Полив фотографической эмульсии; Эмульсионный слой … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Emulsion polymerization — is a type of radical polymerization that usually starts with an emulsion incorporating water, monomer, and surfactant. The most common type of emulsion polymerization is an oil in water emulsion, in which droplets of monomer (the oil) are… … Wikipedia
emulsion — ► NOUN 1) a fine dispersion of minute droplets of one liquid in another in which it is not soluble or miscible. 2) a type of paint consisting of pigment bound in a synthetic resin which forms an emulsion with water. 3) a light sensitive coating… … English terms dictionary
Coating — Enrobage L enrobage est un procédé industriel consistant à appliquer une couche de liquide ou de poudre sur la surface d un produit de base de forme quelconque afin de lui conférer des propriétés particulières. Lorsque le substrat est de forme… … Wikipédia en Français
emulsion — [ɪ mʌlʃ(ə)n] noun 1》 a fine dispersion of minute droplets of one liquid in another in which it is not soluble or miscible. 2》 (also emulsion paint) a type of paint consisting of pigment bound in a synthetic resin which forms an emulsion with… … English new terms dictionary
emulsion — noun Etymology: New Latin emulsion , emulsio, from Latin emulgēre to milk out, from e + mulgēre to milk; akin to Old English melcan to milk, Greek amelgein Date: 1612 1. a. a system (as fat in milk) consisting of a liquid dispersed with or… … New Collegiate Dictionary
emulsion — n. milky fluid; suspension of oil or resin in watery liquid or vice versa; any dispersion of one liquid in another; coating, containing suspended silver salt, of photographic films and plates. ♦ emulsify, v.t convert into emulsion. ♦… … Dictionary of difficult words
emulsion — n. 1 a fine dispersion of one liquid in another, esp. as paint, medicine, etc. 2 a mixture of a silver compound suspended in gelatin etc. for coating plates or films. Phrases and idioms: emulsion paint a water thinned paint containing a non… … Useful english dictionary
emulsion — A system containing two immiscible liquids in which one is dispersed, in the form of very small globules (internal phase), throughout the other (external phase) ( e.g., oil in water (milk) or water in oil (mayonnaise)). [Mod. L. fr. e mulgeo, pp … Medical dictionary
emulsion — A thin coating of light sensitive material, usually silver halide in gelatin, in which the image is formed on film and photographic papers … Forensic science glossary
emulsion — A suspension of a light sensitive silver salt, especially silver chloride or silver bromide in a colloidal medium usually gelatin which is used for coating photographic films, plates, and paper … Aviation dictionary