- emphasis
1) акцент2) предыскажение
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
emphasis — emphasis, stress, accent, accentuation denote exerted force by which one thing stands out conspicuously among other things; they also often designate the effect produced or the means used in gaining this effect. Emphasis implies effort to bring… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
emphasis — em pha*sis ([e^]m f[.a]*s[i^]s), n.; pl. {Emphases} ([e^]m f[.a]*s[=e]z). [L., fr. Gr. e mfasis significance, force of expression, fr. emfai nein to show in, indicate; en in + fai nein to show. See {In}, and {Phase}.] 1. (Rhet.) A particular… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Emphasis — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Emphasis Información personal Origen Castellón, España … Wikipedia Español
Emphasis — Thomas R. Kobayashi mieux connu sous le nom d Emphasis est un compositeur franco japonais de musique électronique. Né à Tokyo et vécu à Paris, il sera inspiré par ces différentes cultures dans sa musique. Il a passé son adolescence au lycée… … Wikipédia en Français
emphasis — I noun accent, accentuation, affirmation, attention, concentration, consequence, consideration, distinction, distinctness, eminence, emphasis, energy, exclamation, force, force of expression, force of voice, forcibleness, highlight, ictus,… … Law dictionary
emphasis — 1570s, from L. emphasis, from Gk. emphasis significance, indirect meaning, from emphainein to present, show, indicate, from en in (see EN (Cf. en ) (2)) + phainein to show (see PHANTASM (Cf. phantasm)). In Greek and Latin, it developed a sense of … Etymology dictionary
emphasis — [em′fə sis] n. pl. emphases [em′fəsēz΄] [L < Gr emphasis, an appearing in, outward appearance < emphainein, to indicate < en , in + phainein, to show < IE base * bha , to shine > OE bonian, to polish] 1. force of expression,… … English World dictionary
Emphasis — Emphasis, griech., in der Rhetorik der Nachdruck der Rede, namentlich durch Betonung; emphatisch, nachdrucksvoll … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
emphasis — [n] importance, prominence accent, accentuation, attention, decidedness, force, headline, highlight, impressiveness, insistence, intensity, moment, positiveness, power, preeminence, priority, significance, strength, stress, underlining,… … New thesaurus
emphasis — ► NOUN (pl. emphases) 1) special importance, value, or prominence given to something. 2) stress laid on a word or words in speaking. ORIGIN Greek, originally in the sense appearance, show , later denoting a figure of speech in which more is… … English terms dictionary
emphasis — noun 1 special importance/attention ADJECTIVE ▪ big (informal), considerable, great, heavy, huge ▪ schools that put a heavy emphasis on sporting achievement ▪ … Collocations dictionary