I сокр. от
electromagnetic pulseэлектромагнитный импульсII сокр. от electromagnetic wave propagationраспространение электромагнитной волны
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
EMP.CQ! — Entwickler Markus Grün Aktuelle Version 1.0 (28. Oktober 2006) Betriebssystem Microsoft Windows Kategorie Instant Messaging Lizenz … Deutsch Wikipedia
EMP — or Emp, a three letter abbreviation with multiple meanings, including:In organizations: *Ericsson Mobile Platforms, a division of the Ericsson group. * Estado Mayor Presidencial , the presidential guard in Mexico. *Experience Music Project, a… … Wikipedia
EMP — abbrev. electromagnetic pulse: an immense surge of electromagnetic radiation caused by a nuclear explosion … English World dictionary
Emp — abbrev. 1. Emperor 2. Empress … English World dictionary
Emp|so|ni|an — «ehmp SOH nee uhn», adjective. of or having to do with the works, ideas, or style of William Empson, born 1906, an English poet and critic … Useful english dictionary
emp|ti|er — «EHMP tee uhr», noun, adjective. –n. a person or thing that empties. –adj. comparative of empty … Useful english dictionary
emp|ti|ly — «EHMP tuh lee», adverb. in an empty manner … Useful english dictionary
emp — co·emp·tio; co·emp·tion; emp; emp·ti·ly; emp·ti·ness; emp·tins; emp·tion; emp·tio ven·di·tio; emp·tor; ex·emp·tion; ex·emp·tive; pre·emp·tion; pre·emp·tion·er; pre·emp·tor; pre·emp·to·ry; EMP; emp·ty; pre·emp·tive; co·emp·tive; emp·tings;… … English syllables
EMP 44 — Erma EMP 44 Allgemeine Information Militärische Bezeichnung: Maschinenpistole Erma EMP 44 Einsatzland … Deutsch Wikipedia
EMP 44 — The EMP 44 was a firearm produced by Erma Werke in 1943. It passed all of the German ordnance tests, but because of its cheap look, it was not adopted by the German armed forces. [cite web |url=http://www.securityarms.com/20010315/galleryfiles/210… … Wikipedia
EMP — I EMP [Abk. für Exzessive Multi Posting, dt. »übermäßiges Mehrfachversenden«], Synonym für Spam Mail. II EMP, NEMP [Abkürzung für englisch … Universal-Lexikon