emission bandwidth

emission bandwidth
ширина спектра излучения

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "emission bandwidth" в других словарях:

  • 80-meter band — The 80 meter or 3.5 MHz band is a core amateur radio frequency band, allocated frequencies from 3.5 to 4.0 MHz in IARU Region 2, and generally 3.5 to 3.8 or 3.9 MHz in Regions 1 and 3 respectively. The portion of the band used for voice… …   Wikipedia

  • AM stereo — is a term given to a number of mutually incompatible techniques for broadcasting stereo audio in the AM band in a manner that is compatible with standard AM receivers. There are two main classes of systems: independent sideband (ISB) systems,… …   Wikipedia

  • Dark quencher — A dark quencher is a substance that absorbs excitation energy from a fluorophore and dissipates the energy as heat; while a typical (fluorescent) quencher re emits much of this energy as light [1]. Dark quenchers are used in molecular biology in… …   Wikipedia

  • Laser — For other uses, see Laser (disambiguation). United States Air Force laser experiment …   Wikipedia

  • electron tube — an electronic device that consists, typically, of a sealed glass bulb containing two or more electrodes: used to generate, amplify, and rectify electric oscillations and alternating currents. Also called electronic tube. Cf. gas tube, vacuum tube …   Universalium

  • Fiber-optic communication — An optical fiber junction box. The yellow cables are single mode fibers; the orange and blue cables are multi mode fibers: 50/125 µm OM2 and 50/125 µm OM3 fibers respectively. Fiber optic communication is a method of transmitting information from …   Wikipedia

  • Ultra-wideband — (aka UWB, ultra wide band, ultraband, etc.) is a radio technology that can be used at very low energy levels for short range high bandwidth communications by using a large portion of the radio spectrum. UWB has traditional applications in non… …   Wikipedia

  • Antenna (radio) — Whip antenna on car …   Wikipedia

  • telescope — /tel euh skohp /, n., adj., v., telescoped, telescoping. n. 1. an optical instrument for making distant objects appear larger and therefore nearer. One of the two principal forms (refracting telescope) consists essentially of an objective lens… …   Universalium

  • Types of radio emissions — The International Telecommunication Union uses an internationally agreed system for classifying radio frequency signals. Each type of radio emission is classified according to its bandwidth, method of modulation, nature of the modulating signal,… …   Wikipedia

  • Optical amplifier — An optical amplifier is a device that amplifies an optical signal directly, without the need to first convert it to an electrical signal. An optical amplifier may be thought of as a laser without an optical cavity, or one in which feedback from… …   Wikipedia

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