- electron microprobe analysis
электронно-зондовый микроанализ
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
electron microprobe analysis — elektronzondinė mikroanalizė statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Labai mažo medžiagos kiekio (≤ 10⁻¹³ g) analizė, kai į bandinį nukreiptas labai siauras elektronų pluoštas sukelia tai medžiagai būdingą rentgeno spinduliuotę. atitikmenys: angl.… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Electron microprobe — An electron microprobe (EMP), also known as an electron probe microanalyser (EPMA) is an analytical tool used to non destructively determine the chemical composition of small volumes of solid materials. It works similarly to a scanning electron… … Wikipedia
electron microprobe — A technique of elemental analysis in the electron microscope based on spectral analysis of the scattered X ray emission from the specimen induced by the electron beam. Using this technique it is possible to obtain quantitative data on, for… … Dictionary of molecular biology
electron microscopy — Any form of microscopy in which the interactions of electrons with the specimens are used to provide information about the fine structure of that specimen. In transmission electron microscopy (TEM) the diffraction and adsorption of electrons as… … Dictionary of molecular biology
analysis — /euh nal euh sis/, n., pl. analyses / seez /. 1. the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis). 2. this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its… … Universalium
Microprobe — A microprobe is an instrument that applies a stable and well focused beam of charged particles (electrons or ions) to a sample. Types When the primary beam consists of accelerated electrons, the probe is termed an electron microprobe, when the… … Wikipedia
Scanning Electron Microscopy — Microscopie électronique à balayage Pour les articles homonymes, voir MEB, SEM et Microscope. Microscope électronique à balayage JEOL JSM 6340F … Wikipédia en Français
List of chemical analysis methods — A list of chemical analysis methods with acronyms.List of methods* Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) * Atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) * Atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (AFS) * Alpha particle X ray spectrometer (APXS) * Capillary… … Wikipedia
Microscope électronique à balayage — Microscopie électronique à balayage Pour les articles homonymes, voir MEB, SEM et Microscope. Microscope électronique à balayage JEOL JSM 6340F … Wikipédia en Français
Microscopie electronique a balayage — Microscopie électronique à balayage Pour les articles homonymes, voir MEB, SEM et Microscope. Microscope électronique à balayage JEOL JSM 6340F … Wikipédia en Français
Microscopie Électronique À Balayage — Pour les articles homonymes, voir MEB, SEM et Microscope. Microscope électronique à balayage JEOL JSM 6340F … Wikipédia en Français