electron bombardment ion thruster

electron bombardment ion thruster
ионный ракетный двигатель малой тяги с электронной бомбардировкой

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "electron bombardment ion thruster" в других словарях:

  • Harold R. Kaufman — is an American physicist, noted for his development of ion thrusters for NASA during the 1950s and 60s. Kaufman developed a version of the duoplasmatron for the purpose of spacecraft propulsion.Kaufman is a Professor Emeritus of the Colorado… …   Wikipedia

  • EBIT — abbr. econ. Earnings Before Interest and Tax tech. Electron Bombardment Ion Thruster …   Dictionary of English abbreviation

  • Timeline of Russian inventions and technology records — The Hall of Space Technology in the Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics, Kaluga, Russia. The exhibition includes the models and replicas of the following Russian inventions: the first satellite, Sputnik 1 (a ball under the… …   Wikipedia

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