electrokinetic phenomena

electrokinetic phenomena
электрокинетические явления

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "electrokinetic phenomena" в других словарях:

  • Electrokinetic phenomena — is a family of several different effects that occur in heterogeneous fluids or in porous bodies filled with fluid. The term heterogeneous here means a fluid containing particles. Particles can be solid, liquid or gas bubbles with sizes on the… …   Wikipedia

  • electrokinetic — adjective a) Describing any of several phenomena in which electric charge causes movement b) Describing the heating effect of an electric current See Also: electrokinetics …   Wiktionary

  • Electroacoustic phenomena — arises when ultrasound propagates through a fluid containing ions. It moves these ions. This motion generates electric signals because ions have electric charge. This coupling between ultrasound and electric field is called electroacoustic… …   Wikipedia

  • Zeta potential — is an abbreviation for electrokinetic potential in colloidal systems. In the colloidal chemistry literature, it is usually denoted using the Greek letter zeta, hence ζ potential . From a theoretical viewpoint, zeta potential is electric potential …   Wikipedia

  • Double layer (interfacial) — A double layer (DL, also called an electrical double layer, EDL) is a structure that appears on the surface of an object when it is placed into a liquid. The object might be a solid particle, a gas bubble, a liquid droplet, or a porous body. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Electrophoresis — is the most well known electrokinetic phenomenon. It was discovered by Reuss in 1809. [Reuss, F.F. Mem.Soc.Imperiale Naturalistes de Moscow , 2, 327 1809] He observed that clay particles dispersed in water migrate under influence of an applied… …   Wikipedia

  • Surface conductivity — is an additional electric conductivity of fluid in the vicinity of the charged surface. Fluid conductivity is associated with ions motion in electric field. Concentration of ions is higher close to the charged surfaces. They are attracted there… …   Wikipedia

  • Microelectrophoresis — is a method of studying electrophoresis of various dispersed particles using optical microscopy. This method provides image of moving particles, which is its unique advantage. Complexity of this method is associated with electro osmosis generated …   Wikipedia

  • Diffusiphoresis — Diffusiophoresis is a motion of dispersed particles in a fluid induced by a diffusion gradient of molecular substances that are dissolved in the fluid. This gradient affects structure of the particles in an interfacial double layer and causes… …   Wikipedia

  • Dukhin number — is a dimensionless quantity that characterizes the contribution of the surface conductivity to various electrokinetic and electroacoustic effects, as well as to electrical conductivity and permittivity of fluid heterogeneous systems. It was… …   Wikipedia

  • Surface phenomenon — A Surface phenomenon is a phenomenon that take place on or near the surface of a substance or phase. In most cases, the special properties of a surface cause these unique phenomena. There are two important surface related phenomena:… …   Wikipedia

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